EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. BY SIR R. (. TEMPLE, BART. (Continued from p. 15.)
II Measures taken at Fort William, Bengal.
Consultation at Fort William, 7 July 1777. 6.5 GENERAL Letters received by the Cormorant and Egmont... Of the letter dated 24th
December 1776, Paragraphs 21 to 27, GG Agreed that the Governor General (Warren Hastings be requested to write a letter to the Naib Suba (Naib Sabadâr, Deputy Governor ), advising him of this intelligence, and desiring him to send General Orders to the Officers of the Nizamut 67 to oppose the Officers and crew of the expected vessel in their attempts to land in any part of the Nabob's dominions and special orders to his Vackeel 3 at the Presidency to apply for such aid from this Board as may be required for this purpose.
Agreed that an advertisement be published, forbidding the Company's Servants and all under the Company's protection to hold any commerce or other intercourse with Mo Bolts or the other Agents or Seamen of the expected Ship, or to supply them with money, goods, stores or any other assistance conducive to the execution of their plan.
The following Advertizement is accordingly published.
Fort William 7th July 1777. Advice having been received of an enterprize of trade set on foot by Mr William Bolts, late a servant of the Honble. East India Company, who is now on his way to India in a ship called the Joseph and Theresa, and the Honble. the Court of Directors judging it expedient to guard against any injury which their commerce may suffer by this undertaking, have thought proper to forbid their Covenanted Servants and all others under their protection to hold any commercial or other intercourse with him or any of the agents or seamen of the said ship, or to supply them directly, or indirectly, with money, goods, stores or any other assistance which may conduce to the execution of their plan. Notice is therefore given that a strict observance of this prohibition is expected and required. By order of the Honourable the Governor General and Council.
Consultation at Fort William, 26 July 1779.69 The Governor General [Warren Hastings ) informs the Board that he has received & letter from Mr William Bolts, dated on board the Joseph and Theresa the 23d instant, at Kedgeree, [Khijiri, at the mouth of the Hûgli] and desires that the Orders of the Court of Directors dated the 24th December 1776, and the publication made in consequence on the 7th July 1777 may be read, to enable the Board to pass such further Resolutions and Orders as they shall think proper. 65 Bengal Public Consultations, (1777), XIX, 704-707.
66 See ante, XLVI., 279. Nizamat, the Government of the NawÅb Nâzim of Bengal, created by Clive in 1757 ruler of Bengal, Bihar and Orissa in subordination to the Government of the East India Company. The Nawab at this time wa Mubaraku'ddoula, youngest of the three sons of Mir Ja'far Ali Khan, 1770-1793.
68 Vakil, legal agent or representative of the Nawab Nazim. 69 Bengal Public Consultations, (1779), XXXI, 525-531.