Chinna, Kistnâ dist., gâta vâhana inscrip. Chinsura, and Austria's commercial venture, 30, 31, 34; Shasthi image at, 219; and Calcutta refugees Chintamani, jewel
Chirakkal, Cherrika, on Malabar coast, ancient Kolattiri
9, n.; 11
123 73
colour epithets and names, in India.. Sup. 14 Colours, flag, ensign, English, and Austria's com. mercial venture, 1, 2; 10, 11; 15; Imperial, of Austria.. 12-14; 33, f.: 64, 66; 92, f. columns, or pillars, Asokan, etc. 291, ff. 94; 99 commercial venture in India, see Austria's.. 1, ff. 284 Committee, Select, and the Foreign Dept. 266 & n. Company, (Imperial India) of Fiume, etc. 57 & n.; or Society, Commercial, of Wm. Bolts, 85-87; Imperial Asiatic, 57 n., 58; 64; 66; 91, 92 Company, E. I., and Austria's commercial venture, 15; 57; 68; 69; 85, n.: 93; slaves for, 56; officers, obliged to go through the ranks, 84; and Omichund 266, f.; 269 composers, of Vijayanagara copperplates, engravers of deanas, lists of, 79-81; pedigree of deanam composers.. ...82, f. Confucius, and wealth, or economics.. 235; 256 205 conquest, of Gujarat, 198; Arab, of Sind .. 199 contractor, kuntrachi, Hobson-Jobson Contribution towards the Early History of Indian. Philosophy Cook, Capt. copper, trade in
101, ff.
90 & n.
chronology, Ceylonese, uncertainty of.. Churai, vil., in Bengal, Vishnu statuette in Church, Rich., Resident, Tellicherry .. Church, of Julianos, Umm-al-Jamal and others, vaulted roofs of Chutiya Nagpur, ancient Jharkhand, 118; or Chota Nagpur ..
58; 89: 90 copper-plate, documente, Vijayanagara, lists of, with composers, etc. 79, ff.; grant, of Rudrasena II, 165; Narasimha Deva II, 210, 212; of Yayati Kesari, 211; of Kesava Sena, 220; of Malaya Varmma, in Kuretha, Gwalior.. 242 Cormorant, British ship, and Wm. Bolts ..8; 29 Cornelius Palma, Roman governor of Syria.. 170 Coromandel Coast, and Austria's commercial 135 venture 12, 13; 57; 68; 90 elay records and agriculture 235; 256 Clive, Robt., and Omichund, etc. 265-269; corruptions, of European words in Mesopota. 273 & n., 274 mis .. 196 19 cloth, blue, merchandise, 62; trade in... 89, 91 Cosmas, monk, and India 197 Cosmic Illusion, or Maya Sup. 3; 7 clothes, unwashed, for brides Cloud-messenger .. 251, f.; 253, n. cotton, etc., trade, and Wm. Bolts, 31; and Broach Cobenzel, Austrian ship 68; 85-92 Coia Khitan (Manucci) for Khwaja Khizr.. 206 coinage, Strait Settlements coins, of Toramana, 19; Roman, 74; of Nahapâna, 73-77; his Jogaltembhi hoard, 149, f.; of Vilivayakura, 153; Malaya, of Pulumâvi, etc.; 75, n. ; 155, f.; of Baladitys, 163; 166; Gupta, 164 & n.; 165; of Medieval India, etc., 241 & n., 243 & n., 244; of the Yamas, 299; of Vasudeva Sup 18. n..
countries, (and mountains) ruled by Gautamiputra Batarkarņi 150, ff. 189 courtesans, science of cowherds and Krishna, 84; and Christ, and Krishna, Sup. 16; cowherd-maidens and Krishna.. Sup. 19 crocodile, wagho, in Sind, 197; and the Jews. 197 n. 200 & n. crown, of Uderolâl .. 67
Cruz, João de, Austrian pilot
Chitor, siege of (1534)
chivara, monk's garment Chola kings and Mullandram cholera, a Faquir's cure for Chosroes, k. of Persia ..
Chota Nagpur, stone implements from, 135; or Chutiya Nagpur
Chowra, Soury, a Nicobar isl.. chrematistike and ketike, science or art of wealth, etc. 233, 234 & n. Christ, Jesus, date of, and the Abhira immigration into India, 35, 36; worship, and the cult of the Child Krishna .. 84; Sup. Christian, era, 36; 44; architecture, in the Haurân, 170; 175; inscrip. in Syria, 172; influence, in the Bhagavadgità .. Sup. 28, 29 Christianity, and the cult of the Child Krishna, 35; and the wolf of Agobio, 197; and Bhakti, etc. Sup. 15 & n., 16 177
Christians, the Ghassanides Chronology of the Western Chalukyas of Kalyani Chronology, revised, of the last Gupta emperors
265 220
118 13
161-167 .. 20 216 8
Colastria, Port, Kôlattiri
9 & n., 10, 11
Collett, Matt., E. I. Co.'s servant and Kasimbâzâr