artha, wealth or goods.. Arthasdstra, (The,) Explains Arthasástra, see Authenticity of the Kauțiliya, 157-161; 187-195 Arthadastra, refers to the Tâmraparni riv., 48; and philosophy, 101, n. ; and Várttá, 235, 236 & n., 239 & n., 240 54, n. 212
relation of
arthins, suitors
Aruna, charioteer of the Sun-god Arunagirinatha, Sônâdrinâtha, etc., poet of
94-98; 100 74, 78 Aryaman, Ayama, minister to Nahapâna Aryan, settlements, and the Andhras, 70; race. 235 Aryanivása, Aryan settlement
Asaka, Assaka, co., (Sans. Asmaka) and Gautamiputra Asalla Deva, Rai inscrip. of, 241, f.; or Asala, coins of
ascetics, Brahman, and vegetarianism ushashu, term in Rock Series XIII ashes, sacred, as medicine.. ashtamataraḥ, eight goddesses Ashti, scene of a battle Asia, British settlements, etc., in, and Austria's commercial venture in India, 3, 5, 6: 33; 59; 60; 87; and the Umayyads Asia Minor, Indian Mission in .. Asiatic, Greek and Mauryan Sculpture Asiatic Company of Trieste, see Trieste Asika, co., unidentified, and Gautamiputra Asfrgarh, fort, 116, 118, 121, f.; 124, 142-146; 180-182; 185 150 & n. Asmaka, Asaka, and Mulaka Asoka, Notes, (from Vol. XXXIX, p. 64) No. XII., Identification of Tamba pamni in the Rock Edicts
235 50-56
ivamedha, sacrifice and Satakarni asva-sastra, veterinary science.. Asvins, Vedic gods.
Atcheen, Achin ..
Athenæus, general
Ativirarama Pandya, copperplates of atman, redemption
48, f. Asoka, inscriptions, Notes on .. 297 Asoka, inscrips., 52; 56; 71; 138; 209, f.; his time-table of work,etc., 53, f.; and Buddhism, 55, n. ; heretic emp., 109; and ahined, 189, n.; stapas, in Odra district, 209; date, 210; rail, 219; Rock Edict I and the word Samája, 221; and Kalinga, 224; and art, see Mauryana 291, ff. 189, n. Asrama, the fourth, and ahimsa.. 176, n. as-Salih Talâ'i Mosque, Cairo Assyria, and agriculture, 235; and Indian sculpture, etc.
Sup. 16
291 32
of Trivikrama-Vishnu
aurangs, factories
Ausanasâḥ school of philosophy
.. 266 187
Ausanasas, rivals of the Barhaspatyâs. 102, 105, 107&n Austria's Commercial Venture in India, in the Eighteenth Century, (contd. from Vol. XLVI, p. 286)....1-15; 23--34; 57-69; 85-93 243, f. Authenticity of the Kautilya..157-161; 187-195 189, n. automobile, sataronbil etc., Hobson-Jobson.. 196 297 Avadana, the, and the week days
207 Avanti, 78; Ujjayini
137 Avatára theory, and Krishna
.. 112 151 .Sup. 18, 19 74;.78
Ayama, Aryaman
Ayyana I., Bâdâmi Châlukya k., 286; II., 287 & n.
294 71, 72, n. 239 ..51, n. 61 169 81 103, f.
Atma-Vidyâ philosophy Attiyûr, N. Arcot district,, Brahmâna settle
108, f.
95; 100
Auddâlaki, a doctrine of, and the Káma. ¿ástra
188, n. 100
Audumbarapura, N. Arcot district Augustine, emp. ..
Sup. 16 ..77, n.
Augustus, Tiberius, on coins.. Aurṇavabha, probably the Teacher in the Brihad-dranyaka Upanishad, and the worship
Babhravya Pañchâla, supposed first writer on Kamasastra
Bâdal pillar inscrip. Bâdâmi, inscrip. and the Saka era, 70; co., the Chalukyas of 286 & n. Bâdarayana, author, and a Mima så Satra.. 157 202 Baga Bahar Sher, Uderolâl
189 165
Baghdad, the Khan Orthma mosque, 175 & n.;
196; and the gufar (boat)
Baglâna, fief, and Malik Raja
Bahadur Shah, Qadr Khan of Khândesh, and Akbar 170-183; 185, f.
Bahadurpûr, near Burhanpur baharanus, spiced dough balls
Bahmani, dyn., 113, f.; or Bahmanids.. Bahrâm Khan
.. 180 .. 202 117 114, f.; 184 283 202
Bahuka, Nâla
Bairagi, temple attendant
Baithana, Paithan, ancient Pratishthâna, cap. of Siro Pulemaios Bakkur, fort
Bala, his Sâranâtha inscrip. Balâditye, Narasimhagupta, date, 161; and Mihirakula
Balasiri, eud Gautami
244 113
153 200 298
163 151, n.