[ DECEMBER, 1918
Kanishka (if my identification be correct); PURANIC LIST.
(6) it gives us also the administrative policy of (1) Satrap Vanaspara.
Vinasphars, and therefore probably of The Vdyu-Purana, after it closes the so-called
his race, in India. Andhra Dynasty, gives a brief notice of the The Vayu gives 10 Blokdrdhas to this man, dynasties which sprang up a while the Andhras were which is the longest account of an individual still reigning (TYTTI FRUTGT: T9 T: HT: ruler in the post-Mahal Bharata list. Vanas
: ; 37, 352), whom the other Puranas imply to phara's was recent history in the authorit have been once subordinate to the Andhra (Ata- from which the V dyr borrowed it, as it is stated vahanas) by their term bhrityanvaya. After them there he is called T ' (374). No doubt there are described mushroom, contemporaneous his contemporaries were very much impressed by dynasties and communities (उदितोदितवंशास्ते him; he was in battle as powerful as Vishņu." arcareAGTUT. 37, 384 ). Amongst the latter The complete passage is as follows: there is one name which we can probably identify मागधानां महावीर्यो विश्वस्फानिर्भविष्यति ॥ ३१ with the Vanaspara of the Saranatha inscription of
तस्साच पार्थिवान् सर्वान् सोऽन्थान् वन करिष्यति It is Visvaphani (37, 271). It is spelt as Visvapha कैवान् पञ्चकांश्चैव पुलिन्दान् प्राणांस्तथा ॥ ३७२ tika in the Vishnu, as Visvaphati in the विश्वस्फाणिर्महासत्वो बुद्ध विष्णुसमाबली ॥ ३७३ Brahmanula, as Vigvasphâni in Hall's MS. of the स्थापयिष्यन्ति 'sic.) राजानी मानादेशेषु तेजसा । Vayu, and as Visvasphârji and Visvasphurji in
विश्वस्फानिर्नरपतिः क्रीवाकृतिरिवाच्यते । the Bhagavata. Out of these we may assume
उत्साम्यति क्षत्रन्तु क्षचमन्यत् करिष्यति ।। ३७४ Vlávaspharl as the nearest form of the original word. As in the case of Kusala-Kunala, we may
देवान् पिसुंश्च विप्रांश्च तर्पवित्वा सकृत्पुनः। assume a confusion between Vigvasphari and
जाहवीतीरमासाथ शरीरं यस्यते बली ॥३७५ Vinvasphari or rather between Vinnsphari and
The purport of the last two lines in the copy of Visaspdari, the latter in its turn becoming Sans
the Brahmanļa which was before Hall is kritised as Visvasphari.
expressed differently, viz., " the king committed Now Vinaspharl can be easily recognised as suicide by throwing himself into the Ganges." the Vanaspara of the Saranatha statue inscription. Here the Brahmdnda as I have noticed in several
The history which we get of Vinasphari is other instances seems to give a more faithful noteworthy for two points.
1 Bibliotheca Indica edition by Rajendra Lala Mitra, 1888. In many particulars it contains valuable information which the other editions and also the MSS. wbioh I have seen in Calcutta do not contain. [This note was written in September, 1913.)
2 These rivals were five (ETRTGT: T ), viz., the Abhfras, the Gardabhins, the gakas, the Yavanas, the Tusharas ( Tokharis). The Merupdas or Murupdas the Maunas, and the Andhra (acc. to the Malaya, the Sri-Parvata Andhras, 273 ; 17, 18. 23 ) evidently followed the five contemporaries of the Andhra Satavahanas. Their periods are given in the Vayu 37, 352 to 358.
• Wilson takes the rear viz., " on their close," but the Puranas never use this term to denote the close of a dynasty. They use wchchhinna, anta, pariyaya. The periods given to them also prove, in the light of verified facts, that the specified five dynasties did spring up under the Satavahana régime.
* W. and H., Vishnu, IV., 217. Cf. Brahmanda (Bombay ed.), Bhagavata (Vanga-Vast ed.), XII. I. 6 W. and H., IV., 189; Väyrs, 37, (Bibl Ind.). . Cl. Sodtikari (M., 273, 6) = Salikari.
+ The form Vanasphars (with ph instead of p only as in the Saranatha inscription) seems to be more correct. A rajapat lan called "Bandphara” were living in the days of King Prithviraja Chaubena. Alhů and Odala, whose heroism is sung in ballads in Hindustan, wer Banâ pharas who were regarded as a low raco, Ms none would give girls to them in marriage. These Banfphara Rajpats may be still living near Mahoba, the centre of Albê and Odala. They are found at present in the districs of Mirzapur, U.P.
I do not find it in the Bombay edition.