(135) Ratna-Sastra.--"On characteristics and examination of stones."
Ibid., vol. I,
p. 555.
(136) Manavala-Narayana-Satakam.-" (3) " Jaisiyar perumai, the honour of
merchants. The merchants must skilfully conduct their own business. They must not lay on too large profits. Whosoever comes to them, they must preserve an even and correct balance. If the dishonest come, offering to leave a pledge, they must give them no loan; but if the honest come, and only ask a loan without pledge, they must give it. In writing their accounts, they must not allow of a mistake, even if no more than the eighth part of a mustard seed. They will assist a (public) measure, even to the extent of a crore (of money).
Such is the just rule of a mercantile class." (4) · Vellavher perumai, the honour of agriculturists. The Vellarher, by the effect of
their ploughing (or cultivation) should maintain the prayers of Brahmavas, the strength of kings, the profits of merchants, the welfare of all--charity, donations, the enjoyments of domestic life, and connubial happiness, homage to the gods, the Sastras, the Vedas, the Puranas, and all other books; truth, reputation, renown, the very being of the gods, things of good report or integrity, the good order of castes, and manual skill; all these things come to pass by the merit
(or efficacy) of the Vellar her's plough." Ibid, p. 15, No. 2108. (137) Nava-Sastram.-"On ship-building and navigation. But the work is chiefly
astrological. Some directions are given respecting the materials and dimensions of vessels." Ibid, vol. III, p. 6, No. 2226. The same work is called Kappal
Sastram at p. 444 of the above catalogue. (138) MS. No. 790, Sec. 30 (name not given) deals with miscellaneous arts,
mechanics, building, &c.-"On the art of constructing forts, houses, fanes : of settling a village ; navigation and variety of other similar things enumerated as taught in 36 works, the names of which are given in the MS.).” Ibid, vol. III.
p. 350. (139) Silpa-Nigbantu, by Aghora Sastri.--" In Grantha character." A classified
catalogue of Sanskrit works in the Saraswati Bhandaram Library of His Highness
the Mahârâjâ of Mysore. Class XIX, No. 533. (140) Silpa-89 stra-Bhushalya.-" In Grantha character.” Ibid, class XIX, No. 634. (141) Devata-Silpa. -"With Telugu translation in Canarese character." Ibid.
class XIX, No. 535. (142) Go-Sutra.–Oxf. 398. Auf., Pt. I, p. 169. (148) Go Santi.-Burnell, 149. Ibid, Pt. I, p. 169. (144) Go-santi.-66th parisishta of the AV.-W.P. 94. Ibid, Pt. I, p. 169. (145) Govaidya-Sastra. Author not mentioned.--"Subject-Vaidya.” Oppert, vol. I,
p. 533. MS. No. 7298. * (146) Go-Bastra." Subject-Golakshaya." Ibid, vol. I, MS. No. 6676.