(OCTOBER, 1918
A.D. Acoording to him, rtti means Visisha-padaIn the Kavyadarsa Dandin contrasts between rackand (I, ii, 7), and is of three kinds, the two schools of Sanskrit poetry, the Vaidarbha and Vaidarbhi, Gaudi and the Panchali: the Gaulya (vs. 40-100). The ten qualities
"सा त्रेधा वैदर्भी गौडीया पाञ्चाली चेति ।"" Slesha, prasada, samala, etc. are, according to him characteristic of the former. But they are not so
After stating this V&mana 5 writes : with the poets of the latter who seldom observe "किंपुनर्देशवशात् द्रव्यगुणोत्पत्तिः काव्यानाम् येनाऽयं them. The great difference that lies between trad994:1 , 2 favifry TETIT the two schools, is iMustrated by Dandin with ro
FACTI atsargiaga: ferference to certain specific examples. He first cites & passage from the Vaidarbha school and then by
| स्वरूपमुपलब्धस्वात् मत्समाख्या | न पुनर्देशैः किच्चिदुपway of contrast cites another from the Gauda school.
Tho substance of the foregoing passage is that To explain the prasida guna Dandin (I, v. 45) each school took the name of the country in which says:
it flourished. The poets of a country developed "प्रसारवत् प्रसिद्धार्थमिन्दारिन्दीवरघुति। one particular style of poetry and that parti.
लक्ष्म लक्ष्मी तनोतीति प्रतीतिमुभगं वचः॥" cular style became peculiar to that country. The expression lakaħma lakshmim tunoti' is a
This led to the rise of the various schools and this fragment of the following verge of Sakuntala: 1 Was why they were designated efter the names of
countries. Thus according to Vemana who no "सरसिजमनुविद्धं शैवलेनापि रम्यम् ।
doubt represents the curient tradition of his age, मलिनमपि हिमांशीर्लक्ष्म लक्ष्मी तनोति ।"
the Vaidarbha school was established in Vidarbha The more fact that Dandin quotes Kalidasa to
which, according to Cunningham, roughly corres. illustrate the Vaidarbha school of poetry is not so ponds with the territory "extending from near important, for he is regarded as a pre-eminently Burhanpur on the Tâpti end Nänder on the Vaidarbha poet by other rhetoricians to.? What Godavari to Ratanpur' in Chattisgarh, and the is however, more important is that we get, from
Nowagadha near the source of the Mahanadi." him a valuable hint in regard to the part of the
According to Vêmana the Vaidartha school is country to which the greatest post of India belong
superior to all other sister-schools by reason of its ed. In the Kavyódarta (I, V8, 44, 46, 54, 60, SO),
being samagra-guna, i.e., possessing all the ten the poets of the two schools are qualified by such
qualitios of poetry, ojas, prasada, etc. To illustrato adjectives as Gaudai, Gaudiyaih and Adakshindty.
this Vimana quotes i the wellknown stanza from angm, and Vaidarbhair and Dakshintya respec.
Sakuntala: Gahanta mahisha nipinasalila"! tively. From this, it is clear that according to
sritgair-muhus-tádiam," etc. This quotation, Dandin the poets of these two schools were also
immediately following the above definite stateinhabitants of the two countries after which they
mert of the author, that the Vaidarbha school were designated. This is also the view taken by the author of the commentary called Hridayan
means that school which originated in Vidarbha, gama published by Rao Bahadur M.Rar gâchårya
seeins to denote that VÅmana believed Kalidasa to from Madras. To silence those who would argue
have been a native of Vidarbha. This tradition,
recorded again by an author who comes only that KAlidAsa might as well have imitated the Vaidarbha school without having anything to do
& few centuries after Kôlídása, must be looked with the Vaidarbha country, it is necessary to
upon as the most valuable piece of evidence wo point out that the sense which we put forward
hitherto bad, in fixing the home of the great here is also corroborated by the early rhetorician
poet. VAmana, who flourished in the 8th or 9th century
N: G. MAJUMDAR. · This has been brought to our not ce by Dr. Barrett-JRAS., 1905, p. 535. .
. Gopendra Tripura hara BhQpâle, a commentator of Vâmana, quotes the following fragment of a verse-Vaidarbhariti-sam darthe Kalidasal praga bhate-Karyalam kárasútra, Vidyabilâ sa Press Edition, p. 18. : Kavyúdarsa, p. 28. Kavydian kira-sátra, p. 16.
5 Ibid, p. 17. 6 Ancient Geography of India, p. 526.
Kiryalam kara-stitra, p. 18. # It should be noticed here that M. M. Pandit Haraprasad Astri mainly depending on the flora of Kalidasa concludes that the poet rruet have belonged to W. Melwa.- JEORS. 1915, p. 15.