OCTOBER, 1918 ]
It brings to our mind these verses from Canto VI of the Raghuvashia:
कश्चिद्दिषत्वङ्ग हतोत्तमाङ्गः सद्यो विमानप्रभुतामुपेत्य ।
वामाङ्ग संसक्त वराङ्गनः स्वं नृत्यस्कबन्ध समरे ददर्श ।। ५१ ।।
परस्परेण क्षतयोः प्रहनौरु स्क्रान्तवाग्वाः समकालमेव |
अमर्त्यभावेऽपि कयोश्चिदासीदेकाप्सरः प्रार्थितयोर्विवादः || ५३ |
(6) Lastly, in सरागेणापि निर्वाणं कुर्वता नयनयुगलेन भूषितां ( कन्यकामपश्यत्स्वमे ) (p. 32), the peculiar meaning of the word far is worth notice. In this clause the word has two meanings; one is (liberation) and the other faf (highest felicity). If we take the former, there is an apparent which is removed if we take the word in the latter sense. In the former sense the word for is used in the Sakuntala. Dushyanta, on seeing Sākuntala exclaims : अये लन्धं नेत्रनिर्वाणम् | Kalidasa is perhaps the only writer of the early times who has used in this sense; Subandhu who was ever on the lookout for an opportunity to use might have picked up the word whose other meaning enabled him to employ the विरोधाभास.
BHABAVI. कृतारिषडुर्गजयेन मानवीमगम्यरूपां पदवीं प्रविस्सुना । विभज्य नक्तन्तियमस्तसान्द्रेणा वितन्यते तेन नयेन पौरुषम् ||
As regards the question of Subandhu's indebtedness to Kâlidâsa whose priority in point of time to Subandhu is consequential thereupon, the last three quotations may not be looked upon as a conclusive proof of it, but the first three are clearly so; because the references they contain are to incidents which are narrated nowhere except in the works of Kalidasa. Therefore, in the absence of any evidence to the contrary, we may conclude that the original source of these allusions is the works of Kâlidâsa. In this light their importance cannot be too much emphasised They form a very important landmark. earlier than any hitherto known, in arriving at the date of the premier poet of Indiaa vexed question with which I shall deal some other time.
( 2 ) Kalidasa and Bharavi.
Bharavi is one of the earliest Sanskrit authors. From his Kirâtârjuniya I adduce few passages whioh find a olose parallel in the works of Kâlidâss.
असक्तमाराधयती यथायथं विभज्य भक्तया समपक्षपातया । गुणानुरागादिव सख्यमीयिवान् न बाधतेऽस्य त्रिगणः परस्परम् ||
I. 9.
I. 11.
KALIDASA नृपस्य वर्णाश्रमपालनं यत् स एव धर्मो मनुना प्रणीतः ।
अतः सो ऽभ्यन्तरात्रित्यान् षडुर्गमजयद्रिपून् । रात्रिन्दिवावे भागेषु यदादिष्टं महीक्षिताम् । सरिसषेवे नियोगेन स विकल्पपराङ्मुखः न धर्ममर्थकामाभ्यां बबाधे न च तेन तौ । नायें कामेन वा कामं सोऽर्थेन सदृशस्त्रिषु || गुनगुनात् तस्य सप्रसवा इव ।
Raghu. XIV. 67.
R. XVII. 45.
R. XVII. 49.
R. XVII. 57.
R. I. 22.