JANUARY, 1918]
Agent had made a Settlement on the Nicobar Islands, and that the Inhabitants of the four Islands of Soury [Chowra], Nicaoree [Nancowry,] Tricuttee [Trinkat] and Cachoule [Katchall] had joined in a body, and surrendered themselves to the Sovereignty of the Empress Queen, upon condition of having secured to them a due administration of justice, freedom of commerce and liberty of conscience.
Letter from the Council at Tellicherry to the Court of Directors, dated 4 February 1779,55
The Ship Joseph and Theresa lost her passage to Goa from Billiapattam in the beginning of May, and the 20th [following ] passed this place for the Coromandel; she returned the 30th of November. We learn that Mr Bolts's agents had made a settlement on the Nicobar Islands. Mr Bolts on the 1st of June proceeded to Seringapatam, and obtained from the Nabob Hyder Ally a grant to establish factories at Mangalore, Carwar, and the Island of Maddacana, 5c on which last he has hoisted the Imperial Colours. His ship proceeded from Billiapatam to Goa the middle of December, it is said to be repaired.
Letter from the Resident at Onore to the President and Council at Bombay, dated 12 February 1779.57
There was landed from the Austrian Ship Joseph and Theresa which came to the Port of Mangalore the beginning of December ninety six iron guns from one to four pounds caliber, two brass pieces of six pounds, ten thousand muskets and eight thousand round shott, intended for the Nabob, out of which he has yet only taken three thousand stand of arms and the two brass guns; the remainder of the muskets and guns are still there. Several copper utensils intended for setting on foot a sugar manufacture and distilling spirituous liquors were also landed, and Mr Bolts has left there two European gentlemen, Mr Fyfe and Mr Brown with a doctor, at the Banksaul which the Government has allotted him. The same ship toucht at Carwar afterwards, and landed a small quantity of copper and iron for the use of the factory. Both at that place and Mangalore Mr Bolts had began to build the Factory Warehouses, but when the walls were raised only a few feet a general stop was putt to their proceeding further on them by the Governments people, under the pretence of wanting more distinct orders from the Nabob, and I have pleasure to acquaint your Honor &ca. that Mr Bolts's Agents have not yet succeeded in securing any articles of Investment in this neighbourhood. It is true that Luximicant Sinoy [Lakshmikanth Sinai] has been making offers for pepper in the Soundah [Sonda ] Province, but we may possibly be able from this Factory to counteract his designs, for which end, I beg to assure you, not activity on our part will be wanting.
Bombay Diary 18 February 1779,58
Imported the Austrian Ship Joseph and Teresa, commanded by Mr William Bolts last from Goa.
Consultation at Bombay 18 March 1779,59
Read a Letter from Mr William Bolts as entered hereafter, in reply to which he must be acquainted that the Orders We have received from the Honble. Company are not
58 The fort of Madakara, near Baliapatam.
50 Ibid, 188.
55 Bombay Letters Received (1779), VI, 113-114,
57 Letters Received at Bombay (1779), XLV, 61-62. 58 Bombay Public Consultations (1779), XLVI, 107.