JANUARY, 1918 )
mentioned the report that prevailed of Mr Belte being promised a Factory in the Princes dominions and that as it would be oontrary to the Treatios subsisting between the Company and the Palace of Colastria, 41 We expeoted the Prince would not grant any establishment to any European power in his Country besides the Company, which Nanah Puttorah has reported to tho Prince. The former said the Prince desired him to assure us he would strictly abide by that olause in the Treaty with the Honble. Company. But in this agarance we cannot place a firm relinnoe.
Bombay Diary, 13 March 1778. Received the following Letter from Mr Bolts, which the President directed the Secretary to send round for the opinions of the Council, in consequence of which Mr Bolte's request was refused, Honble. Sir and Sirs
Being much in want of a little Salt for Ballast of the Vessel under my Command, now in this Harbour, I request your purmission for taking in the same, which I shell estrem partioular favor, who am with the greatest Respect Honble. Sir and Sirs,
Your most obedient and humble Servant
WILLIAM BOLTS, Lieut. Colonel in the
- Service of their Imperial Majesties. Consultation at Bombay Castle, 1 April 1778.43 Mr Carnac now acquaints us that as Mr Bolts's ship has been in this Port full three weeks, a time in his opinion more than sufficient for proouring Refreshments and Ballast, the avowed motive for his coming hore, He shall, to exonlpate himself, deliver in a Minute expressing his disapprobation of Mr Bolts being permitted to make so long a stay.
Consultation at Bombay Castle, 8 April 1778." Mr Carnac lays before us the Minute he coquainted us last Council day he proposed delivering, respecting Mr Bolts, which is ordered to be entered after this Consultation.
Mr Bamsey thinking it necessary, in consequenoe of a Passage in Mr Carnac's Minute, that his Conduct with respeot to Mr Bolts should stand recorded, now delivers in à Minute which is subjoined to Mr Carnac's.
Enclosures. 1. Mr John Carnae's Minute respecting Mr Bolts. It has been positively enjoined from bomo to all the Settlements that the most strenuous Efforts should be exerted to defeat the Austrian attempt to carry on an interloping trade in these Seas, and to frustrate the Voyage set on foot at Trieste for that purpose. This was the more necessary, as the expedition was projected and is conducted by a man who, from the time he lost our Service, has made it his principal study both at home and abroad how he could most effectually injure the English Company and their Servants,
41 Colastria, Portuguese corruption of Kalattiri or Kilatnad (Kõlam)North Malabar. Its rulers • were formerly known as the lattiri Raj and now the Chirakka Rijäe.
- Bombay Public Consultation (1778), XLV, 118. # Bombay Public Consultations (1778), XLV, 158.
44 Ibid, 171, 178-179, 45 Andwww Ramsay, Sixth, and last, of Council
XLV. 116