MARCH, 1917]
time ceased the remission of the surplus revenues :90 and when Chokkanatha remonstrated and warned, he pleaded with a hypocritical ignorance of the change of circumstances, that he only adopted the precedent of the old Tanjore monarchs. The indignation of Chokkanatha at once ordered the punishment of the traitor; but the Dala vâi and the other ministers met in council, and after some deliberation regarding the course to be pursued, came to the conclusion that, as Alagiri's position was far stronger than that of Vijaya Rahgava, it would be more advisable to be cautious and conciliatory. They therefore counselled their master to suppress his indignation and postpone the punitive expedition, till " the devices of Sama, Dâna and Bhêda were tried," and found futile.
If Alagiri Naik escaped the chastisement of his master, he did not escape from the fruits of his own behaviour. He seems to have been a tactless and imprudent ruler, entirely unable to conciliate the conquered. His avarice seized the estates of great men, and his arbitrary temper dismissed several men of eminence from their offices. A man who suffered much in this regime was the celebrated Verkaņņa, the Rayasam, of the last Naik king. Endowed by nature with an extraordinary amount of ability, tact and per. severance, Veikanna entertained the bold design of subverting the new dynasty and restoring that of his master.
(To be continued.)
Bana's own ancestor at is described as being In the Kadambart verse 4 of the introduction
worshipped by the Guptas. It ie thus clear that
tho commentator HT adetaar:
T runs " 4174
alone is right when he
saya mera TrH'. Farfal." Hitherto at: was taken by most
or as
roads was then the guru of Baṇabhatta and was scholars as the 6th case dual of 6: meaning
prosumably the spiritual guide of the great Mau. Vishnu and Sive. This explanation ie obviously
kharis. It is also probable that it was Bana's erroneous, for Bana has already saluted both Vishpu
teacher on poetry, for he is perhaps to be identified and Siva in us. 2-3. Besides, it 18 most w ay with a poet of the same name, who has been quoted that *moans a dual-god with only two feet
in several anthologies and whose antiquity is onsur. between them. According to afat the word has
ed by the fact that the verse आहूतोपि सहायैः found a meaning Siva; but the fact of being "worship- under his name in two of the anthologies, is quoted ped by the Maukharis and their feudatories" is in the Dhvanyaloka (p. 38). 1 TH in his com. conclusive against the word signifying any non-ment on the verse says 'arrecadaria human being, whoso greatness booomes only cir. TÈTIT' showing that the vero wae
ÈTRT' showing that the verse was quoted oven cumscribed by such an epithet. Moreover the line
carlier in an unknown work of TETT, who lived an d : Faiq has an exact parallel in Circa 800 A. D. the line Th Tafe : of verso 10, where
90 Reo. of the Carn. Gours, and Tanj. Raj. Charit.
1 Vide Peterson's Introduction to Subhashitavali under Bhakchu. Altogether 4 verses are there collected, to which we should add another from Saktimuktavali beginning with TW 979TarAmar Bhandarker's Sixth Report, App.