11. Balad the ox is connected with Mars and Shani or Saturn.
12. Hathi th: elephant is supposed to be the conveyance of Indra. It is also connected with Budha or Mercury.
13 The tiger is the conveyance of the goddess Ambāji.
The animals mentioned above are worshipped along with deities and planets with whom they are associated!
It is generally believed that the earth is supported by a tortoise. So, whenever the goddess earth or Prithvi is worshipped, the tortoise is also worshipped."
In the temples of the Matde cocks and hens and in the temple of Kal Bhairav, dogs, are worshipped. 3
For the propitiation of goddesses and evil spirits, male goats, he-buffaloes and cocks are sacrificed.
In his first incarnation, the god Vishnu was born as a fish, in the second as an alligator, and in the third as a boar. For this reason the images of these animals are worshipped.5
All the gods, goddesses and spirits mentioned in the preceding pages are represented by idols made of stone, metal or wood. In addition to stone idols of gods there are certain stones which are considered to represent gods and worshipped as such. Some of these stones are described below.
All the stones found in the river Narbada are believed to represent the god Shiva and worshipped.
There is a kind of stone found in the river Gandaki which is smooth on one side and porous on the other. It is either round or square and about five inches in length. This stone is called Shaligram and is believed
to represent the god Vishnu. It is kept in the household gods and worshipped daily.
There is another kind of hard, white, porous stone found near Dwarka. It is also worshipped along with the idol of Vishna. .
Sometimes tridents are drawn with red lead on stones to represent goddesses.
There is a tank near the Pir in Kutiana in which bored stones are found floating on the surface of the water. These stones are considered sacred.?
Certain stones are considered sacred on acoount of their supposed curative properties. One of such stones is called Puro. It is believed to be efficacious in curing rheumatism.
There is also a kind of red stone which is supposed to core skin diseases.
Each of the nine planets is supposed to be in touch with a stone of a particular colour. For instance, the stone in touch with Shani or Saturn is black, and that with Mangal or Mars is red. These stones are bored, and set in rings which are worn by persons suffering - from the influence of these planets.
A kind of stone called Akik, found in abundance in Cambay, is considered sacred by the Mahomedan saints, who wear garlands made of beads carved out of these stones 10
In ancient times human sacrifices were ofered on certain occasions. Now-a-days, in place of a human being, a cocoanut or a Kolu (Cucurbita maxima ) is offered. At the time of making the offering the coco'anut is plastered with red lead and other holy applications and covered with a sile cloth. The Kolx is offered by cutting it into two pieces with a stroke of a knife or sword. 11
1 The School Master of Dhank,
2 The School Master of Vanod. 3 The School Master of Vanod.
* The School Master of Dadvi. 5 The School Master of Bhatua
The School Master of Ganod. The School Master of Devalia.
• The School Master of Chhatrisa. • The School Master of Jotpur.
20 The School Master of Zinzuvada The School Master of Kotda Sangani Zintuvada and Gobelwad.