The god Shiva is supposed to wear a snake ocean for the recovery of the fourteen jewels round his neck like a garland of flowers. So, from the ocean. in all temples of Shiva, an image of a snake It is a common belief that treasures buried is installed behind the idol of the god with underground are guarded by snakes. his hood spread over the idol.1
Generally a miser dying without an heir In ancient times dead snakes were buried is supposed to be born as a snake after his and temples and altars were erected over their death, to guard his hoarded money. graves. An image of the dead snake was
It is believed by some people that on the engraved on the altar.2
establishment of a new dynasty of kings There is a shrine dedicated to Chàndalia
after a revolution, a snake makes its apNàg on the bank of the river Palavo on the
pearance to guard the accumulated wealth of road from Mota Devalia to Tramboda. It is
the fallen dynasty. visited by a sect of beggars called Nag
It is also believed that a rich man dying magas. The Nàg-magas beg wealth of the
with his mind fixed on his wealth is born as snake god, and it is said, that he bestows it
a snake, to guard the wealth.25 on them. They are never seen begging from
There is a further belief that one who any body else.3 In the Puranas, the Shesh Nàg, the
collects money by foul means and does not Takshak Nàg, Pundarik, Kali Nag and Kar
spend it, is born as a snake in his next life to
guard his buried treasure 11 kotak Nàg are described as gods. In modern times, Sarmalio, Bhujo and Gadhio are believed
There is still another belief that a man to be as powerful as gods, and vows are ob
who buries his treasure in a secret place served in their honour..
becomes a snake after death, to guard the Dhananjaya, Pushkar and Vasuki are also
treasure 12
The beliefs mentioned above have given considered to be very powerful,5 Takshak is believed to have drunk the
rise to the impression that places where big nectar of inmortality.
snakes are found are sure to have treasure A tradition is current that god Vishnu
trove concealed in them. 18 sleeps on the Shesha Nàg in the Milky Ocean.
It is believed that the snake guarding the This snake is believed to have a thousand
treasure of his previous life does not allow mouths and to support the earth on its hood.7
anybody to remove it, and bites any one who It is described in the Puranas how King attempts to do so.14 Parikshit was bitten by Takshak Nàg and
If in spite of this, a man succeeds in seizing King Nala by Karkotak Någ. King Nala the treasure by force or by the power of became deformed owing to the bite, but he mantras or incantations, it is believed that he could assume his original form by wearing a
leaves no heirs to use it.16 special dress, through the favour of Karkotak. A belief is also current that such guardian
Vasuki Nag was wrapped round the Màn- snakes allow those persons to take away the dar nountain, which was used as a churning treasures guarded by them if they are des. handle by the gods and deinons to churn the tined to possess them.
Female Training
1 The School Master of Ganod.
The School Master of Jodia. 3 The School Master of Mota Devalia.
• The School Master of Dhank. 5 The School Master of Ganod.
6 The School Master of Vapod. 7 The School Master of Ganod.
8 The Scbool Mistress, Barton 9 The School Master of Dbank.
College, Rajkot. 10 The School Master of Kotda Sangani.
11 The School Master of Charàdva. 12 The School Master of Kbira sara.
13 The School Master of Ganod. 14 The School Master of Vanod.
15 The School Master of Songadh. 16 The School Master of Sonka.