6. Gorjis or preceptors of the Atits, The ancestral spirits are also represented Shràvaks and Sanyàsis have to get their by chats (twisted braids of the Durva grass heads shaved at the time of entering the (Cynodon Dactylon), and to them are offered order. 1
the Suran (Elephant-foot) cooked rice, fried 7. All the male relatives the deceased cakes of the flour of mag (Phaseolus mungo), have to get their heads shaved on the ninth rice cooked in milk, etc.? day after death.
It is believed that the departed spirits are 8. Atits and Bavàs get the heads of their pleased with offerings of pindas or ricedisciples shaved at the time of admitting balls. them into their order.2
Pindas are also made of wheat flour or 9. The preceptors of the Swami Narayan molasses. Costly dishes, sesamum seeds, sect shave off their moustaches every time honey, curdled milk, clarified butter, and they shave their heads.3
sugarcandy are also offered to the manes. 10. At the time of admitting a Jain to The pindas are generally offered on the the ascetic order of the religion, the hairs of 10th, 11th and 12th day after death and on his lead are pulled out one by one until the the occasion of performing shraddha, 10 head is completely bald.*
Rice balls are also offered to crows or 11. On the occasion of a man being re- thrown into water in the belief that by so admitted to his own caste, out of which he offering they reach the spirits of deceased has been expelled for some breach of cats ancestors, 10 rules, be has to shave has head and face by A belief prevails that the messengers of way of prayaschitta or atonement.
the god of death eat the flesh of the deceased It is believed that if the head of a widow if pindas are not offered to them. So, in is not shaved on the tenth day after the ancient times, offerings of flesh balls were death of her husband, his soul is not admit- made instead of rice ones, 11 ted to heaven, and the funeral ceremonies It is believed that male and female evil performed in his honour bear no fruit,5 spirits such as bhuts and pishachas manifest
The heads of such widows are shaved on themselves as dogs, notably black dogs, the banks of the Godavari or at Benares or at goats, fire, thc whirl-wind, snakes or some other holy place in the neighbourhood.e children 12
The spirits of the dead are represented by They may assume the form of a he-buffalo, balls of rice Hour or cooked rice, and offerings a heifer, a ram, a man, a woman, 13 a lion, a of water, cotton thread, red powder, abir tiger or a cat.16 (white scented powder), red lead, sandal The evil spirit called jàn is believed to paste, frankincense, lamps, sesamum seeds and manifest itself as a snake.15 of the leaves of the Tulsi, the tamarind, the The voice of an evil spirit in any of the Agathio or Agathi (Sesbania grandiflora) above forms is heard from a distance, and and the Bhangra, and the flowers and seeds of the Java, are made to them.
found to recede 10
1 The School Master of Kotda Sangani.
? Tbe School Master of Ganod. 3 The School Master of Bantva.
1 The School Master of Uptela. 5 The School Master of Ganod.
6 Mr. K. D. Master Desdi. T The School Master of Dbánk.
8 The School Master of Kotda Sangani. 9 The School Master of Ganod.
10 The School Master of Dadvi, 11 The School Mistress, Girls' school, Civil Station, Rajkot. 19 The School Master of Dbank
13 The School Master of Kotda Sangani, 14 The School Masters of Chhatrasa and Upteia.
15 The School Master of Dadvi. 16 The School Master of Chbatràsa,