One of the beliefs entertained by Hindus relative or of a member of the lousehold. about the owl is that none should throw a If a miser dies after accumulating vast lump of earth at it, as the owl is believed to treasures, his spirit becomes a ghost or a snake pick up the missile and throw it into a well or and guards his wealth. tank or any sheet of water, with the result that According to another belief, a miser dying it gradually dissolves and disappears, and without an heir becomes a snake to guard his simultancously the body of the person is said treasure. to be consumed. 1
It is believed that such treasures are If perchance an owl utters some note per- accessible to batrisas? (those possessed of ching on the top cross beam of a house on a thirty two accomplishments). Sunday or Tuesday night, the owner of the Those persons that die while ousted from house should pass a dark woollen thread below the houses built by them become ghosts, and the cross beam, to which a nude person should residing in the houses, do not allow any body give a knot at evory screech of the owl. If to live therein, and leave them only when they such a thread be kept in o'ne's anklet, one need are demolished.8 have no fear of ghosts nor can he be seen by
Some evil spirits guard treasures in the a dàkan or witch.
form of drones. If a person in sleep responds to the call of It is related that there is a pond called an owl, he is believed to expire within six Lakhota near Jamvadi in Gondal. It contains months from that date.
a treasure guarded by a cobra which tries to If an owl screeches every night for six bite whosoever attempts to remove it. 10 months on one's house or an adjacent tree, a The Janchar, Bhuchar, Jin and some other terror seizes the members of the house that spirits are believed to haunt valleys,11 some sure and certain calamity not short of Some believe that those persons that meet death is imminent.3
their death in valleys become evil spirits and An owl sitting on the house of a person and haunt the valleys, 12 screeching is said to be uttering threats or | Rakhevalio, Andhário, Sevalio, Sulio and forebodings of calamities and misfortunes, and Ragatio are evil spirits that haunt the ruins is believed to foretell the death of some near of magnificent buildings and also valleys, 13
Mr. K. D. Desài.
• The School Master of Kolki. 3 The School Master of Zinzuvada.
4 Mr. K. D. Desài. 5 The School Master of Dhånk.
6 The School Master of Mavaiya. 1 The School Master of Dhànk.
8 The School Master of Vanod. 9 The School Master of Sàyala.
10 The School Master of Gondal. 11 The School Master of Kotda Sangani.
1. The School Master of Vanod. 13 The School Master of Rajpara.