The beliefs current as to the cause of Dreams occurring in the first quarter of the dreams ore many. One of these is that night are believed to be fulfilled in a year. memory of known facts or incidents heard those in the second quarter of the night in six or seen causes dreams, Dreams are also sup- months, those in the third quarter in three posed to be caused by disorders in the brain, months, and those in the last quarter in one by brooding constantly over a particular month. A dream seen during an hour and occurrence, by anxiety or by the perpetration a half before daybreak bears fruit in ten of sinful acts. Those who are indebted days, while that seen just at day-break is reato the pitris (ancestral spirits) are also lised immediately. said to be troubled by dreams. 2 A hearty Dreams that occur before midnight are meal at night just before going to bed is never fulfilled." also supposed to cause dreams, 3
If a person has a bad dream, he should go There are three conditions of human ex- to sleep at once, and not communicate it to istence, (1) Jàgriti that is wakefulness (2) any onc. If he has a good dream, he should Swapna that is dream and (3) Sushupti not sleep on that night after its occurrence, that is sleep. The incidents which impress Early on the following morning he should the mind strongly during wakefulness are communicate it to a preceptor or saint; but reproduced in dreams. Very often thoughts if neither be available, he should repeat it that never occur to our minds strike us in into the ears of a cow. A good dream should dreams. These are ascribed to the impres- never be told to a bad or low-minded person. sions made on the soul during past lives, If a man sleeps after a good dream and has
It is said that the interpretation of dreams a bad one, the forner loses its force while goes by contraries. But at times they are the latter gains ascendancy and comes true. fully borne out. A good dream is an in- It is related that Allàuddin the bloody once dication of future good, and a bad one of entered the house of a blacksmith when the future evil.5
latter was asleep dreaming that he saw a There are some persons whose dreams are treasure trove after having bathed in a always fulfilled. Dreams dreamt by persons stream and drunk a little water. At the pure of mind and heart seldom turn out false, same time Allàuddin saw a small insect come
· The School Master of Chhatrasa. $ The School Master of Dadvi. 5 The School Master of Dbank.
The School Master of Ganod.
• The School Master of Dhàok. • The School Master of Ganod. • The School Master of Chhatrasa. # The School Master of Chhatrasa.