classes. There is a belief that knowledyo of The worshippers of the goddess Juksh ni this art dooms & person to hell ; but it also remain naked when they attend upon her. secures to those who master it a position of Persons who practise the art of curing men much importance, and therefore finds many from the effects of serpent-bites by means of followers. The art consists in the know- incantations, have to sit naked under water ledge of certain mysterious incantations, in order to gain efficacy for their mantras, which enable a person to influence the spirits Followers of the Devi-panth, Shakti.panth and to bring about certain results through and Aghori-panth sects remain naked while their agency. Not only has every person when worshipping or offering victims the learning this art, to remain naked, but all gods. Vama-märgis worship a nude in. those who make prayogas or experiments in it of the goddess Digambara. afterwards must observe the same precaution. The hook-shaped instrument, known as The night of Käli-chaudas or the 14th day of ganeshio, which is used by thieves in boring the dark half of Ashvin, is considered to be a hole through the walls of a house, is somethe most favourable time for the sädhan or times prepared by a blacksmith and his wife accomplishment of this secret art of remaining on the night of Kāli-chaudas, both being naked. On this day, it is the custom of naked at the time. Instruinents prepared in those who exercise the art, to go stripped to this fashion are believed to secure success for A cemetery in the dead of night, and to cook the thief, who scrupulously sets aside the first food in a human skull as an offering to the
booty acquired by the help of the ganeshi spirits residing in the neighbourhood. On
for the blacksmith as a reward for his the same night, some sorcerers, after strip
services. He does not grudge the reward ping themselves, are said to ride round the vil
however large the booty may be. la ge on some mysterious conveyance."
In making dice according to the directions A practice is noted among low-class people of Ramalashastra, the workers should remain of performing a sadhana before the goddess naked." Jhampadi for the sake of progeny. The i There is a belief that granulations in the man who performs the sadhana, has first to go eyes of a child are cured if the maternal naked to a cemetery on a Sunday night, and uncle fetches naked the beads of the Arani to fetch therefrom the ashes of a corpse, tree, and puts a circlet of them round the At the time of the sadhana, the man takes
neck of the child." his seat on a corpse, fills a madaliun or hol
If a person uncovers himself on hearing low bracelet with the ashes brought from the the screech of an owl, and then ties and cemetery, and puts it on his arm above the untics seven knots in a piece of sering, reelbows
peating the process twenty-one times, the Dhobis, Mālis, Vålands and other low- piece of string is believed to posses. the caste people remain naked while worshipping virtue of curing Taria Táv or periodical Bhairav.. In the performance of the fever.10 Another remedy for the same anushthan (propitiation) of such deities as ailment is to go to a distance of three miles Kal-Bhairav, Batuk, Mani, Griva, etc., from the village and there to eat food which the devotees keep their persons uncovered. has been cooked in a state of nudity.
1 Mr. K. D. Desai. * Mr. N. M. Dave, Sänki. • Mr. B. K. Dave, Kota Sangani. * Mr. D. K. Pandya, Dhhank. • The Deputy Educational Inspector of Gohelwad.
? The Schoolmaster of Ganod. • The Schoolmaster of Moti Murad. • Mr. N. D. Vora, Rajpara, • The Schoolmasters of Dhbank and Songado. 10 The Schoolmasters of Upleta and Aman.