It is said that those who have bathed in image of Shiva, and that fragments of the the Jumna or have once tasted its water, stony bow of Shiva are to be found in its need not be afraid of Yama, the god of bed. The stones in the bed of this river Death. It is considered meritorious among have the same sanctity as the images of god the Hindus to bathe the image of God Shiva Shiva. Shaligram stones, which are worin water from the holy Jumna or the Ganges shipped as the images of Vishnu, are found or the Godāvari. There is a popular shloka in this river. It is an act of high merit in honour of the Jumna which runs :" Vic- among Hindus to take a pradakshina round tory to thee! Oh Yamuna, flowing through the Narbada, i, e., to travel along the banks of the Madhu-vana (the Madhu woods), the the river, inhabited as the region is by many bearer of shining waters, the companion of Sådhus and other holy persons? AshvatJālınavi, the daughter of Sindhu, the orna- thämä, the immortal son of Drona, is believment of the enemy of Madhu (viz., Krishna), ed to reside on the banks of this river and the appeaser of Madhava, the dispeller of to pay occasional visits to the Bhils in the the danger of Gokul, the destroyer of the neighbourhood.7 The Shukla-tirtha, situatsins of the world, the giver of intellect, the ed on the Narbada, is visited by numerous scene of the amorous sports of Keshava. pilgrims, and a fair is held there on every Victory to thee! O remover of difficulties, sixtieth year.7 purify me,"3
The sage Kapila instructed his mother The banks of the Godāvari are known as Devahuti with divine knowledge on the the site of the hermitage of Gautama. When banks of the Saraswati. Since then, the the planet Brihaspati (Jupiter) enters the river is held sacred and funeral ceremoniesSinha-räshi (the constellation Leo)* the holy Shraddhas-are performed on its banks in Ganges goes to the Godavari, and remains honour of departed female ancestors. there for one year. During that year, all Similarly Shrāddhas in honour of male the gods are believed to bathe in this river, ancestors are performed at the confluence of Thousands of pilgrims visit Nasik to offer the Ganges, the Jumna, and the Saraswati at prayers to the Godavari, and after bathing Allahabadts in the river, give alms to Brahmans. Simi- Of the Gandaki it is said that it contains larly, on the Kapilāshashti day, on which as many shankars (images of Shiva) as there six jogs or conjunctive incidents occur simul- are sankars (stones). The shaligram stone taneously, the virtue of all tirthas or holy is found in this river also. The Sarayu is places is believed to be concentrated in the sacred as the scene of the childish sports of Godāvari at Nasik,
Ramachandra, the hero of the Rāmāyana, The mere sight of the Narbada has the On the banks of the Phalaku or Phalgu, same effect as a bath in the Ganges or the Ramachandra performed Shraddha ceremoJumna. It is said that the Narbada is the nies in honour of his father Dasharath,5
Mr. B. K. Dave, Schoolmaster Kotda-Sangani.
* The Schoolmaster of Dadvi. * Mr. D.K. Pandya, Schoolmaster Dhbank.
• The Schoolmaster of Upleta. 5 The Schoolmaster of Luvaria.
• Mr. L. D. Mehta, Mota Devalia * Mr K. D. Desai
• The Schoolmaster of Jodia. * This happens every twelfth year. The year of Sinhastha i. e. the year when Brihaspati stands in the Sinha-rashi, is the only one in which marriages among the Kadva Kunbis take place; and for this reason the smallest children in the community, sometimes even those who are in the womb, are married in this year. - Mr. M. M. Rana, Rajkot.
The Saraswati is believed to be present, but invisible at this spot.