Thunder or lightning in the Hasta* nakshatra foretells good harvests and a prosperous year. Thunder in the same nakshatra is believed to muzzle the jaws of serpents and other noxious creatures, and to achieve this object, also, o samélu (or a log of wood) is struck against a mobhārā (or a hollow stone used for threshing corn). If thunder is not heard during this nakshatra, mosquitoes and other insects and vermin are believed to be likely to multiply.3
If thunder is heard during the Ardra nakshatra, the rainfall will be delayed for a month."
Lightning is commonly seen on the second and the fifth day of the bright half of Ashadh, and is considered a sign of good rainfall, while its absence indicates a probable scarcity of rain. Its appearance on the fifth day of Ashadh is believed by some to foretell an early fall of rain. Since the rainfall, and therefore the state of the crops during the ensuing year, are suggested by lightning on this day, corn-dealers settle a rise or fall in the price of corn according as lightning is or is not seen on that occasion, &
Long-continued thunder shows that the rainfall is distant. Similarly, continued flashes of lightning intimate danger to the lives and property of people. Sudden thunder portends an immediate cessation of rain,1 Thunder or lightning out of season threatens calamity to the country."
Vijli or lightning is said to be fettered on the fifth day of the bright half of Ashadh(or, as some say, on the second day of Shravan)2-after which date no apprehensions of its destructive powers need be enter.
Till then, however, it is free and is likely to injure those personst who have not cut or shaved their hair from their birth,10
The occurence of lightning is believed to cause the delivery and sometimes even the death of pregnant women 11
1 Mr. D. K. andya, Tank.
3 Mr. B. K Dave, da-Sangani. The Schm er f Dadvi. Talakshi, baras i, Sayala. Mr. M. M. Ran, Rajkot.
11 The Schoolma er of Charadwa.
Any period marked by the occurrence of lightning is considered inauspicious,12
The Puranas speak of fourteen worldsthe seven swargas (celestial regions) and the seven pätāls (nether regions). Underneath the seventh pätäl§ lies Shesha (the divine cobra) who supports all the fourteen worlds on one of his one thousand hoods, On account of the heavy burden, the serpent-god sometimes gets tired, and tries to change his position. The result of the movement is an
Thunder in the east predicts a speedy fall of rain. If flashes lightning are seen in the north-east or the north, rain will fall within three days Lightning in the south-earth-quake. According to another version, east or the south oretel's extreme heat." an earthquake occurs when Shesha changes.
2 Mr. N. M. Dave, Sankā.
The Schoolmaster of Luvaria. The Schoolmaster of Songadh. Mr. L. H. Jadow, Vasawad.
10 Mr. G. K. Dave, Sultanpur. 12 Mr. Jairam Vasaram, Jodia.
Hasta rakshatra generally commences at the end of Bhadrapad or the beginning of Ashvin and
lasts a fortnight. The rains during this period, which are required for the rabi crops, are so much esteemed that each drop of them is said to be worth a drop of ght. People store the hathio-varshad or the rain water of Hasta in reservoirs for drinking purposes, believing it to be very pure and digestive.-K. D. Desai.
† Among the Hindus it is customary for those whose children do not live to keep their children unshaved for a certain number of years, after which the children are taken to a holy place and shaved there for the first time. The temple of Ranchhodji at Dakor is a favourite place for such ceremonies.-K. D. Desai.
The seven neor worlds are Atal, Vital, Sutal, Talatal, Mahātal, Rasatal, and Pātāl, § In an oce, as some say-D. K. Pandya, Dhhank.