Xavier, St. Francis, and India
Yadôktakari or Vehka, shrine in Kanchi Yaga-saman, a Brahman, Sup. 119; and DiviKaduru (see s.v. in Index to 1916).
Yagello, Col., Russian, in the Pamirs.. 225, f., 230 Yaggal Vädi, a spirit Sup. 119 Sup. 120 Sup. 120
Yak-pidavila ritual Yaksa-giri, (Yak Giri), exorcist ritual, Sup. 120; and Giri (see s.v. in Index to 1916).
Yaksa Rakusu, d., Sup. 120; Rakusu (se 8,v. in Index to 1916).
Yale, Elihu, E. I. Co.'s servant.. 248, 275, 304 Yama, Hindu regent of Hell, Sup. 120; and Hin, Curtain (see 8.v. in Index to 1918). Yama-dûti (1) female d., Sup. 120 and Cobra, (see 8.v. in Index to 1916); (2) female d., Sup. 120; and Ritta, (see s.v. in Index to 1916). yamaka, figure of speech.. 173, 178, 179, 181, 183 Yama Riri, g. Sup. 120 Yama-simha Bandara, d., Sup. 120; and Perahära (see s.v. in Index to 1916).
Ya Raju (1) k. of Kannuran-pura, Sup. 120; and Pattini (see 8.v. in Index to 1916; (2) and Palanga, see 8. v. in Index to 1916). Yardang-bulak, salt spring near Kuruk-tagh yardange
171 1
Yar-khoto, site of early cap. of Turfan .. 204 Yasin valley, and the Chinese, etc. 116, f. Yasodara, goddess, Sup. 120; and Cobra (see s.v. in Index to 1916).
Yasoverman, patron of Bhavabhuti Yen-kao-tchen, Oemo-Kadphises Yeshil-köl, 1. in the Pamirs
Yasodharman, and Kalki, q.v., 145-183; and Mihirakula 152, 153 & n. 181 .. 261 227, 1.
Ying-p'an, garrison oasis, near Lop-nor. 195, 222 Yogasayanamurti, group of figures
Yogi Gurus, Sup. 120; and Ginikanda Kaçavaras, and Valalu (see 8.v. in Index to 1916). Yogins, and Martinz, R. C. Missionary .. 26 Yogis, and change of sex
F.G. 125
York, the ship and the cyclone at Pondicherry, (1761) .. .. 7, 9, 10, 12, 15 Yotkan, site of ancient cap. of Khotan .. 141 Yuan Chwang, Hinan Tsang, and Mihirakula.. 152 Yudapoti, a mother of Devol Deviyo.. Sup. 120 Yüeh-chih, (the Great), early inhabitants of
Kansu, 196; or Indo-Scythians, migration routes, 200; Ta Yue-chi or Kushans, 161, f., 264, 265 and n.; empire Yu-Houan, composer of the Wei-lio..261, 264, f. Yunani physicians
amr-i-Alish-parast, ruined fort in Great Pamir. 229 Zinda Pir, Khwaja Khizr, in Sindhi cult .. 205 Zodiac, (Dolos Räs), Sup 120; and Indragurulu, Planets, Set-sântiya (see 8.v. in Index to 1916). Zor-köl, or Victoria I. ... .. 228 Zulfikar Khan, Mughal general, in S. India, 124 & n., 160 &