Tirumangalam, and the Tondamân lands Tirumôkûr, N. of Madura, Śiva temple at. Tirupattur, fort, and Chokkanátha Tiruppadaimarudûr, grant, other inscrips, by
46 183 n. 43
Tiruvallam, N. Arcot dist., Bana cap. Tiruvêngada Nathaiya, viceroy of Tinnevelly,
156 n.
119 & n. 17. .. 166
Tiyaga Drug, Tegara, fort in S. Arcot.. Tokhta Akhun, with Sir A. Stein toleration, of Christianity, by Tirumal Naik, 28; by Hindu kings, 99; religious, of Tipu Sultan, 130; of Mangammal.. tombs, tomb chambers, of C. Asia, holy, in Sind Tondaman, the, and V. Ranghunatha.. 210-212 71, 73 Tondamên Ilandirayan, subject of a poem Tondamans, or Pallava Rayas, 46, f.,
159 see 103 203, 222; 207, f.
Tamalian rulers of Kanchi
Tong-li, Kiu-li, co., and the Kushans.. Topitturai, in Râmnad..
73 265 209
Toramapa, date
151, 153
Torch, (see 8.v. in Index to 1916) and Visnu. Sup. 117 Totemism; and Fetishism F.G. 144-148
Tourfan, Kashgar 262 Tovil, (see e.v. in Index to 1916) and Visnu. Sup. 117 .. 202 Toyuk, ruins trade, see Austria's Commercial Venture in the
Eighteenth Century ..
.. 277 ... 168
F.G. 144
trade, routes, old, 255; see also routes traditions, of Krishna, F.G. 137; of Vishnu. F.G. 140 Traikitaka, Kalachuri or Chedi era Travancore, and Christianity, 103; and Ranga Krishna, 121; and Mangammal, 158; and Achyuta Raya, 162; and the Mughals, etc., 218, 246 treasure, and snake guards F.G. 140, f. treaty, between Bayaji and the French .. 241, f. tree, trees, holy, 208; haunted, F.G. 134; and serpent worship, F.G. 136, ff.; names derived from.. Trichinopoly, R. C. Mission at, 25, f.; and Vallam, exchanged, 36 and n.; fortified, 38; and cannon, 163 n.; temple, inscription, 40 n.; and Chokkanatha, 41, f., 58; cap. of Madura, 44; and Tanjore, 59, 60, 163; and Ekoji, 76-78; and Rustam Khan, 96, 99; and Sengamala Das, 98; and the Mughal's Slipper, 122-124 and n.; and the Mughals, 39, 213 n., 217 and n.-219; and Aurangzeb, 161; and Mysore, 162, 183; and Mangamma], 185; and Kondi, 189; and Chanda Sahib, 137-141, 147, 272 and n.; and the Marathas, 244; and Anwaru'ddin
Trieste, and Austria's Commercial Venture in 279-281 the Eighteenth Century. Triestine Society, and Austria's Commercial Venture in the Eighteenth Century.. Trilokastra, a work by Nemchandra.. Trincomalee, Trincomalay, and the cyclone (of 1761), 5, 9, 15, 17; Trinonomal 18 Trivandrum, raided 162 n. Trivikrama, g. in Mahabalipur 50, 65-67 Trotter, Sir Henry, and the source of the Oxus,
253, 255
Troy," the Eastern"
. 160 .. 198 218 n.
Tsai, Chinese Gen., and Sir A. Stein Tukoji, son of Venkoji .. Tulkuch-köl, small colony near Niya Oasis.. 142 Tulsi, plant, and Lakshmi F.G. 136. Tulsidas, and Hanuman F.G. 134 Tumanovich, Capt., (Russian), and Sir A. Stein. 236 Tan-huang, and Sir A. Stein, 166, 168-171, 222; Limes, 193, f., 196 Turfan, and Sir A. Stein, 200-204; or Kaohang, Chinese garrison, 203, 201, f. or Tourfan.. 262 Turkestan, finds, etc., by Sir A. Stein, 109, 111, 115, 137, 200, 203, 249, 251 Turki influence, in Vanaj valley 231
Umayama Rani, of Travancore
Umdatu'l Umra, used magic in war
277, f. ..288
Udayar-palayam, Aura-paliam, and Mangam. mâl
Udaya Têvar, 239; and Bangaru Tirumal Udbhata, date, etc.
161 .. 243 .. 182 Uderolal, Shekh Tahir, Lal Wadero, the River God, and the pulla
205, 208 Ujjayini, and assemblies of poets, 135; and Hiuen Tsiang..
192 Ujjvaladatta, quoted the Mahimnastava ..164 Uigur, script, 198: rule, in Turfan, 201; in Toyuk
Ulugh-art pass
Uma, goddess
202 225 .68 n. 162 n.
..59 n.
Unity, of culture, and castes
..82, 94
Upama, figure of speech, 178, 179 and n., 181, 183 urine, of cows, sacred
F.G. .45 239 n. 165, 202 96
Uriyas, and Sri Raga Raya Urumchi and Sir A. Stein usurpation, of Rustum Khan Uttamapalayam, Christian settlement, in Madura, and Jesuit intolerance, 103; inscrip. of Bangaru Tirumala ... 239 n. Uttarapurana, a work by Gunabhadra.. 288 & n.