Saturn, Shani F.G. 146 Satyamangalam, R. C. residence in S. India, 23 and n.-26; taken by Mysore
Saunab, Kirghiz hamlet
76 227 241 FG. 137 241, f.
Sayaji, k. of Tanjore, and the French.. Scripts, various, finds in C. Asia, by Sir A. Stein
198, 201 144, 199
coins, Sassanian, q.v..
secrecy, and mystic lore
sculptures, stucco, from C. Asia Scythians, and India, 81; or Sacas, 232; 203, 266 & n.; 267 F.G. 155 206, 208 f.; and Sir ..249, f., 260 226
Sehwan, in Sind, Saiva altar in Seistan, and Sir A. Stein, 231, H. McMahon
Savai, Shahji, or Siddoji, Tanjore imposter Savitri, and the Banyan tree
Sel-tagh, Maztagh, mts, in Pamirs Sengamala Dâs, son of V. Raghava, 74; and
98, f. 187
Senguļam, tax-free village
sense, figures of..
Sera, Mughal prov. in the Carnatic Serava, ancient cap. of Bijapur
174, 179 162 161 Seres, China, and silk t ade .. 225 Seringapatam, and magic in war ..59 n. erpent, and tree worship .F.G. 136, ff. settlements, ancient, remains of, in C. Asia 140, 166, f., 198, 222. Setupati, the, 58, 120; Raghunatha, revolt of,
183, and n.; affairs under V. R. Chokkanâtha, "Kilavan" 188, 190, 209; still Chief of Râmnad
213 10 D.
Seven Pagodas, tn., Sadras
Seven Seas (see 8.v. in Index to 1916) and Vispu :. Sup. 118
Seven Years' War and Pondicherry sexes, numerical equality, and Caste, 85, f.; change of F.G. 125 Shahakhel Baba, Mohammadan Saint, and Darel 115 Shah Alim Mehtarjao, of Dard, with Sir A. Stein
112, f. Shah Jhando, the Saviour Ferryman, in Sindhi 205, 208 / Cult Shahji, and Tanjore 57, 99, 160, 162, f. Shahristan, ruins in Persian Seistan .. 250. Shahzada Mian, with Sir A. Stein ..116 233, 236 230 12 F.G. 146
Shakespeare, and the number forty'.. Shakh-darra, Pamir Valley
shalandi, (Arab.) chelingues, row-boats Shaligram, stone, and Vishnu
Shamag Padakamanu, form of devotion.. F.G. 155 F.G. 136 Shami, Khijado tree Shams Din, Naik, with Sir A. Stein. 137, 144,
170, 202
F.G. 14 Shani, Saturn Shan-shan or Loulan, the present Lop region.. 144 Shardai Pass, near Darel
115 90
Shastras, the, and Caste system
Shatchandi, or prayoga of Rudra, sex-changing F.G. 125
ceremony shaving ..F.G. 131, f. Shekh Tabir, Uderolâl, Hindu cult in Sind.. 205 Sheldon, Dan., friend of Job Charnock, 259
Sheobat Pass Shili Salem, row.. Shindi, gorge
and n., 260 116 F.G. 154 221, f. F.G. 145
Shitala, goddess, and the ass
Shiva, and trees, F.G. 136, f.; and snakes, F.G. 139, f.; and Ganpati, etc., F.G. 145; and Dhunda..
F.G. 155 Shore temple, Mahabalipur 68, f. Shraddha, ceremony F.G. 130-133 shrines, in Mahabalipûr, 49; ruins in C. Asia, 144; or sanctuary, 232; in Madura 186 Shukra, Venus, and the Sun F.G. 145 Shulga, M., Russian representative in Samarkand
Salposh Kafirs, and the Oxus Valley Siddhraj Jaysing, k, of Gujarat Siddoji, Savai Shahji, q.v. siege, of Pondicherry, 9, 10; of Trichinopoly, 39; of Madras
sieves, sacred
Sikandar Shah, Sultan of Bijapur
Sikkalai, tax-free village
Siksha, the, and the Agnipurana Silalin, dramatic author
231 .. 229 F.G. 134 241
161 F.G. 147 74 .. 187
.. 175
silence, in mystic lore
.. 172 F.G. 155 silk, Mas. finds, by Sir A. Stein, in C. Asia, 143; traders, in Pamirs 225, 226 n., 231 .. 288 71 & n.
Simhanandin, sage. Simhavishnu, founded the Pallava dyn. Sind, and the Arabs, 34; Notes on, 133; Religion in
205, ff. F.G. 145
sins, and cow's urine
gita, (see s.v. in Index to 1916) and Wooden Peacock Sup. 119 F.G. 148 231
Sita, and the plough Sitargh Pass
Siva, and the Mahabalipûr antiquities, 54-56 and n., 66, 70; as Somaskanda. 68 & n., 69, f. Sivaganga, a division of Râmnad, 213; refuge of Bangaru, 239-241; and of Vijaya Kumara 245, f. Sivaji and the Carnatic, 76; and Ekoji 99 Sivakasi, and Kumara Mutho .. 37, 1., 215 Siva khadavarman, k., in the Kadamba Prakrit inscrip. of Malavalli 154, f.