Creechurch, St. Katherine, London, burialplace of the Charnocks 256, 258-260 Crocodile, Waghodar, cult in Indus Valley, 133; 206-208
crops, spirit guardians of, F.G. 135; ceremonies, etc.
crows, and rishis
F.G. 153; 155 F.G. 151 6, 17 F.G. 153 133, 205, f. cultures, cultural unity, and the Indian
cultivators and ceremonies
cult, crocodile, in Sind..
81, f.; 94 Curtain, (see s.v. in Index to 1916,) and Visņu, Sup. 117; and Yama..
Sup. 120 253, f.
Curzon, Lord, and the source of the Oxus. Customs, (see Ceremonies,) Hindu, and Christianity, 22; uxorial ..
Cyclone, at Pondicherry, on New Year's Day, 1761, original papers relating to .. Cyclone and storms in Râmnâd (1709)
Da'ad Khan, Deputy Nawab of the Carnatic, (under Mangamma) and the English in Madura, etc. 160 & n., 161 Dabhoi, in Gujarat, the antiquities of, by the late Dr. Burgess
Dâdamo, guardian spirit of crops Dadh Bandhavi, ceremony
5, ff. 190
3 F.G. 134 F.G. 155 F.G. 135 F.G. 152 121; or
Dakana, spirit
Dakans, two kinds
Dakhan, Moghul conquest of, Deccan Dalavâis, Kastûri Ranga, 187; two others.. 188 dam, on the Kauvery 183 & n. and
Daman, Damaun, Portuguese Settlement, Austria's commercial venture in the
Eighteenth Century
Dàmanas, amulets.. Dâmôdaragupta, author of the Kuṭṭanimata, refers to Bharata Dandayudhapâni, Shrine, Palni, and Mangammal
Dandin, and Alamkara literature, 173, 175; and the Agnipârâna, and Bharata, etc. 176, 178; date, 179;. and figures of speech.. 185 Dandu-monara, (see 8.v. in Index to 1916) and Wooden Peacock.. Sup. 119 Daniel, Capt. of the Newcastle.. Darant-kurghan, Kirghiz vil., probable site
13, 12
of the Stone Tower 225, f. Dard, Republic, of Raja Pakhtun Wali, 111-113; tribes
182 & n. F.G. 125
Darel, Ta-li-lo, valley, and Sir A. Stein.. 111, f. Darelis, and Raja Pukhtun Wali, 114;
immigrations, 114; and other Dard tribes. 115 Darkot Passes, and the Chinese Annals, 117; glacier bifurcation
Dasharath, k., married a Nàg.
Dasyus, destroyed by Kalki
Date of Kanishka
.. 118
.. 205
-- 273
Darya-panth, Indus cult
Dasapura, Mandasor
Dasara pakavaloka, a work by Dhananjaya, mentions early dramas
178, f. F.G. 143 149
76 234 & 1. F.G. 128-130 203
261-271 dates, of Kalki, 151, 153; of Panini, 177; of the Natya sastra 178-180 n., 183. Davalagiri, inscrip. dawn, parallels about days, lucky and unlucky dead, objects buried with death, of de Nobilis, 23; of Tirumal Naik, theories as to cause, 27, i., 36; of Kalki, date, 153; mysterious, of Mangammal, 184 and n. 186; of Vijaya Ranga 189 and n., 210, f. of Kilavan Setupati, 209; and the moon, etc. F.G. 127; 130-133 Decean, Sultans, and S. India, 160; or Dakhan. 121 Dechyâmâtya, commentator, and the Mahim
De Costa, R. C. Missionary in S. India. 25-27; 100 definitions, of Caste .. 82 deformities, and the Pipal tree F.G. 138 deities, and animals F.G. 145
Delagoa Bay, and Austria's commercial venture in the Eighteenth Century
Delhi, and the Carnatic, 121; and the Central Indian Museum 251, 253 de Nobilis, R. C. missionary in Madura, retirement and death, etc., 22-25; and Tiruma! Naik, etc. 28, 100 100 .. 149 136 F.G. 136 6 & n.
De Silva, R. C. missionary in Madura Devadatta, naine of Kalki's horse Devângas, and the sacred thread Dev Divali, festival Devikotta, Deve Cotah, Maratha Fort.. development of Castes, see Castes in India...81 devis, goddess, and the male buffalo.. F.G. 145 dhaga, an amulet Dhananjaya, author of the Sahityadarpana, and early drama, 178; date... 179 Dhanyaloka, a work by Anandavardhana.. 180. Dharapuram, (Darapoor,) lost by Chokka.
F.G. 125
natha Dharina, caste
44 89 F.G. 142 206
Dehdas, a sect, and snake hites Dhoro Puram, riv. in Sind
Duleti, Dhul Pàdavo, day after the Holi. F. G. 157