3 September, 1776 (p. 566).
Leghorn, 30 August: The Company of marines embarked this morning about half past seven on board the Royal Tuscan Frigate of War, Etruria, which has left this harbour with all speed, whence it has now passed into the road to set sail for a short cruise of a few days against the fleet of Barbary pirates who are said to infest these scas. The Imperial ship of war and merchantman, Joseph and Theresa, is completing her preparations for her departure for Coromandel. She will start immediately after the return of the Royal Tuscan Frigate, which is intended to escort her as far as the Canary Islands.
Leghorn, 18 December: Joseph and Theresa, in order has just arrived.
21 December. 1776 (p. 815).
The English brigantine, which is to go with the Austrian ship, to carry a part of the provisions and to be serviceable to her.
24 December, 1776 (p. 821).
Leghorn, 20 December: The English merchant brigantine, which sailed with the Imperial Austrian ship, Joseph and Theresa, with a cargo of various provisions, returned here on Wednesday evening in 49 days from the Island of Madeira, whence her captain was sent back after having transferied a part of her cargo on board the same [Austrian ship ]. The remainder has been brought back to the merchants Otto Francke (Ottofrank) and Co. of Hamburg, as [it would have been ] a hindrance to the business as a whole. The said English captain reported that he had left the abovementioned ship at another island of the Canaries beyond Madeira, waiting for a favourable wind, and that both the Commandant and the crew were in the enjoyment of perfect health.
28 December, 1776 (p. 830).
Leghorn, 25 December: The Royal Tuscan Frigate of War, Etruria, which has remained disarmed in this harbour since her return from the last voyage made beyond the Straits [of Gibraltar ], where she accompained the Imperial Austrian ship, Joseph and Theresa, to which allusion has formerly so frequently been mad, has been sent into wet dock.
Steps taken in Bombay.
Bombay Diary 16 July 1777.
Signed a Letter to the Governor General and Council [of Fort William]. in which We advised them of our having received Intelligence by a Vessel from Delagoa that a Ship under Austrian Colours and with a very rich Cargo had Arrived there and had been run ashore in endeavouring to bring her into the River. That Mr Bolts, formerly on the Bengal Establishment, was principal Owner and Commander of her, under a Commission from the Empress, and had taken in his Cargo at Leghorn and Trieste; that his Associate, Mr Ryan arrived here on the abovementioned Country [ coasting] Vessel, and proceeds on the Hastings prow [should be Snow] to Bengal.
Consultation at Bombay Castle, 20 August 1777.7 Reperused the Honble. Company's Commands dated the 21st February.
We have already transmitted to the Governor General and Council all the Information
5 Bombay Public Consultations (1777), XLIV. 287. Francis Ryan, one of Bolts' partners.
7 Bombay Public Consultations (1777), XLIV, 322.