and Churchwardens and their Successors shall yearly and every yeare forever place out to Apprentice in London Two poore Boyes borne in Hutton in the said parish of pennerton, or within some other village or place in the same parish
“Item I give and bequeath unto my said sonne Stephen Charnocke the summe of Twenty pounds of lawfull money of England And a Trunke with Barres Corded upp with such Lynnen and other things as are or shall be therein att the tyme of my decease
“ Item I give and bequeath unto my sonne Job Charnocke the summe of six hundred pounds of lawfull money of England
“ Item I give to my brother William Marsh the summe of Twenty pounds of lawfull money of England And to my sister Mary Marsh his wife the summe of Forty shillings of like money And to each of their Foure Children now at home with them the summe of Forty shillings a peece of like money
“ Item I give unto Samuell Waters Grocer in Candleweeke Street e London the summe of Tenn shillings of like money to buy him a Ring
“ Item I give unto Mr Thomas Bateman Merchant sometymes servant to Mr Michaell Markeland the summe of Six pounds of lawfull money of England And unto James Hall Woollen draper in Candleweeke streete aforesaid the like summe of Six pounds of like money
" The Rest and residue of all and singuler my goods Chattells ready moneyes Plate Leases debts and other things whatsoever to me belonging and not before in these presents given and bequeathed I give and bequeath unto my suid Two Sonnes Stephen Charnocke and Job Charnocke to be equally devided between them which said Stephen Charnocke and Job Charnocke my sonnes I Doe make ordeine and appoint the full executors of this my present Testament and Last will
"And I Doe make nominate and appoint my said brother William Marsh and the said Thomas Bateman and James Hall the Executors of this my will in Trust for the benefitt of my said sonnes in case my said sonnes shall be out of England att the tyme of my decease And my will and mind is That if my said sonne Job Charnocke shall happen to depart this life before his returne to England Then the Six hundred pounds to him above herein bequeathed shall be disposed of and accrew as followeth (That is to say) ono Hundred pounds thereof shall accrue and come to the Five Children of my said brother William Marsh in equall shares and proportions And the other Five hundred pounds residue thereof shall come and accrue to my said sonne Stephen Charnock
" And my will and mind is That my Executors in Trust in the absence of my sonnes shall have power to put forth any moneyes of myne att Interest for the benefitt of my sonnes The bonds for which moneyes Soe to be put out shall be taken in the names of my said Executors in Trust and in the Conditions of the same the moneyes shall be expressed to be for the use of my said sonnes And then and in such case if any losse doe happen to my Estate my Executors shall not be therewith Chargeable
And I doe hereby revoke all former wills by me made And doe declare This my present Testament to be my very last will and none other In witnes whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and sea le the day and yeare First above written.
“The marke of the said Richard Charnocke
5 A township in Pen wortham containing a free grammar school. • Candlowiok Street, at the east end of "Great Eastcheape," now known as Cannon Street.