TOBER. 1917
NOTES AND QUERIES. NOTES FROM OLD FACTORY RECORDS. be togather, yett in respect to his father we now 7. Administrative rulo to prevent favouritism. dispence with it, not doubting Mr. Stables will be
28 February 1689. Letler fron. Elihu Yale and any ways partiall to his son or spare him from Council al Fort St. George to John Stables and Council such business as the Honble. Companys service at Vizaga patam. We send you also some more may requier him.-Records of Fort St. Georye. assistance, vist. John Oneel, Henery Croke, Thomas Letters from Fort St. Georye. 1689, p. 13. Ntables, and tho tis not comon for Relations to
BOOK NOTICE. ARCHITECTURE AND SCULPTURE IN MYSORE. The and the other two which are opposite to each
Kerava Temple at Somanathpur, by RAO BAHA- other, facing north and south respectively. They DUR R. NARASIMEACHAK, Director of Archeologi. are surmounted by three elegantly carved towers, cal Researches in Mysore.
which are identical in design and execution. The
two towers are attached to the Nararainga or the RAO BAHADUR Narasimhachar has undertaken to
Middle Hall which is again attached to the Mukher issue about half a dozen short monographs, with
Mandapa or Front Hall." On both sides of the suitable illustrations on the notable buildings of the
entrance, around the Front Hall there runs * Hoysala and Dravidian styles. The present mo.
jagati or railed parapet covered with sculptured nograph on the well known Keśava Temple is the
freezes of Puranic scenes. Each kafu, bach of the first of the series. It contains 11 pages of de
three members of the temple, consists of # Garbha scription in quarto, 7 pages of introduction, some
yriha or adytum und & vukhanisi or vestibule. The 15 illustrations and # Devanagari transliteration.
chief kua opposite the entrance, contained the in 4 pages, of the Sanskrit inscriptions at the
image of Kesays which is no more to be found Temple and at Harihar. The printing of the text
there. The height of each tower or kata is not and the illustrations has beun very neatly executed
given by Mr. Narasimhachar. Fergusson guessed by the Mysore Government Press at Bangalore. it to be 30 ft., in Worki's Through Tow>
We notice with satisfaction that "It is under and Jungle it is given us about 32 ft. contemplation to prepare and publish a monograph The illustration of the two towers which Mr. on Hoysala" architecture in Mysore. A synthetie Narasimhachar gives fully bears out the praise view surveying the entire subject matter will be that: "Not # square inch of the surface is without more useful than booklets on individual buildings decoration. These towers captivate the inind by The latter, however, are not without value.
their profusion of detail and perfection of outline Mr. Narasimhachar proposes to change the i and there is no suggestion of superfluity in the end designation style " Chalukyan," popularised by less concourse of figures and designs. To construct Fergusson, and to call it Hoysala style, for the a building of less than 35 feet in height, load it style attained its fullest development in the domin. from bottom to top with carving and produce the ions of the monarchs of the Hoysala dynasty, and effect not only of beauty and perfect symmetry, but also because the name Chalukyan is undoubtedly also of impressiveness, shows supreme talent on a inisnomer, so far as Mysore is concerned, seeing the part of the architects." (Workman). that all the buildings of this style in Mysore were Grandeur has been produced by an artistic erected during the rule of the Hoysalas." The
1 grouping of materials, which in reality are not grand proposal of the learned Director seems to be one
or too small to produce an architectural effect.' which ought to be accepted.
The structures are not grund, but the ensemble is Mr. Narasimhachar has got some 60 artistic grand. In this lies the greatness of the arehitect buildings of the Hoysala style (c. 1047-1286 A.D.) of the Kesava Temple. Mr. Narasimhachar, how. and some 12 buildings of the style called the ever, has not himself discussed this aspect. Put Dravidian (c. 800-1600 A.D.) in his official juris- sibly he is reserving it for his greater work on the diction. He has thus got sufficient y large mate. Hoysala buildings. rials to build up and present a synthetic picture The illustrations of images and inner details(which of Hoysala art
are accessible only to a Hindu writer) bring us in The Kesava temple was built according to its incloser touch with the temple. Many of the images scription in 1268 A.D. by Somanatha, danda-ndyaka | are signed by the artists. The image of Venu under king Narasimha III (1254-1291.) It is situ. Gopala is the most elegant of the illustrated speciated near the left bank of the Kiveri, some 20 mens. The exquisite ceilings would furnish fine miles east of Beringepatam. It 18 trika chala or modele for modern buildings a three-peaked (or as Mr. Narasimhachar calls it a three-celled) building. "the main cell facing east
K. P. J.