AUGUST, 1917)
gf f or and thus lends a strong support to In the colophon to his Sisupdlavadham Magha Dr. Kielhorn, who similarly rejected Mallinathas montions his grandfather Suprabhadeva as having
glossary (JRAS, 1908, p. 499). The word for been the minister of a certain king, whose name has
itself oocurs in an introductory verse of the Kasika, naturally been made & sport of in various MSS.
and Haradatta and Jinendra in their comments giving us any number of variants. An insoription
thereon have preserved to us the names of no less from Vasantagadh dated 682 V. S., (A.D. 625) hae
than four earlier uritti karas, viz., Kuni, Challi, Bhatti brought to light the name of a king coinciding with
and Nallora (Bengal MS. reads GOT; Kifikavipaono of the variants, Varmaldta, and most of our
ranapanjikd, pp. 1-2). It is evident that along with scholars have proposed a happy identity of the two
these earlier vrittis there were also earlier nydeas, kings, giving A. D. 650-700 as a fairly approximate
which led both Banabhatta and MAgha to form date for Magha. The only thing that stands in
their respective conceits. the way is the well-known verse of Magha's poem (II. 112)
But beyond being called upon to settle the date
of Magha, the discovery of this new inscription has अनूत्सूत्रपदन्यासा सवात्तिः सनिबन्धना ।
not it seems been pushed to its proper conclusions. शब्दविद्येव नो भाति राजनीतिरपस्पशा ।। It seems to be generally forgotten that the whore the words of and Fore, according to t alone preserved what now appears to MallinAtha, convey a covert allusion to the Kasika be the correct form of the king's name as the and its commentary Nydsa (by Jinendrabuddhi). and it is but fair to take the author at his word Jayaditya, one of tho authors of the Kasikà died, when he further says that he was king of AP, according to I-tsing, in A. D. 661, and the Nydea, capital of the Gurjars Kingdom. (Nim. 3. ED. which is not mentioned in the elaborate account of
pp. 196-7). It appears therefore that Tera is I-teing, was evidently not yet written in A. D. 695,
the earliest king of the great Gurjara Kingdom of when I-tsing left India. Magha cannot therefore
Bhinmal, whose name has yet been brought to be placed earlier than the middle of the 8th century, light. Brahmarupta the great astronomer wie making the proposed identification of Varmalata styles himself "Bhillamalla kacharya" wrote his rather impossible. The learned editor of the in- work in A. D. 628 under king Vyâghramukha of the soription, following his collaborabor Dr. Konow, has Srichapa dynasty, who according to V. Smith indood sought to reconcile the two conflicting evi. (JRAS, 1907, p. 923 sqq.) was presumably a king donces by making Magha, with soms stretch, & con- of Bhinmal. VyAghramukha must then have been temporary of Jinendra, and placing both early in the immediate successor of Varmalata, the date the 8th century. (Ep. Indica, Vol. IX, p. 190). A. D. 628 marking the olosing period of the latter's But perhape Mallinâtha's interpretation should reign. It is therefore difficult to push Magha's date better be rojooted in face of the palpablo epigra: beyond A. D. 700 in view of his alleged reference to phio evidence. For even though we may admit Jinendranydea. For Hiuen Triang, who visited Mallinatha's comment in Magha's passage, a differ. Bhinmal about A. D. 641-2, described the reigning ont meaning have certainly to be sought for the king as a young man of only wenty. He is a Vi. words and Far as they coour in a strik. dently the immediate sussor of Vy&ghramukha ingly similar passage of Bana's Harfacharita, and may therefore be looked upon as the oontom. which may not unlikely have been the original porary and patron of our poet, the grandson of from which Magha drew :
Varmalata's minister, as shown below Tawy ar Tetere 99594-arer Varmalata
Minister Suprabhadev. KT carc i (Nim. S. Ed. p. 96). Here we have
(oirca 600-826) ovidence of earlier vrittis and earlier nydeas in the Vyaghramukha
Dattaka domain of Sanskrit grammar. The ancient com
(628-640) mentator Bankara, without referring to partioular works, explains gret: TT ..... zet (born circa 620, 60, 640)
According to कैयट Kupi preceded the भाष्यकार" भाष्यकारस्तु कुणिदर्शनमशिधिवत्" (कैयट on I i. 75). A Chulli kábhat'auritti (1) according to Aufrecht (ZDM 28, p. 113) is quoted in a Ms. of रायमुकुट's comm. on Amara and may refer to Onalli. A निलूरवृत्ति is found quoted in श्रीपतिदत्त'
o fTE: the passage which seems to embody a good chronology is here given in full'भाषायामपि चर्करीतमिच्छन्ति उहि भाष्ये भाषायामपि यही लगस्ति निर्गुरवृत्ती (v.1. निलुरवृत्ती)चोक्तं भाषायां यडो लुगस्तीति लुगधिकार यही वहुलमिति चान्द्र च पश्यते काशिकावामपिछदोनुवृत्तिरिह नेटत्युक्तं .....भागवृत्तिकारस्तु वोभवीत्येव न छान्दसमिति मन्यते ॥ वृत्ति on चर्कररीताभ्यासस्य (सन्धिप्रकरणं ), निर्लर is here placed between the 112 and AMTIA Perhaps in point of time,