JULY, 1917]
FELS HISTORICAL POSITION. In 1913, while examining the Puranic Chronicles, I felt sure, looking at the methods of the Purdņas, that Kalki, like any other name of the Puranic Chronicles, was a historical personage. I gave expression to this view in that year.2
Theses of this paper. Now, in the light of further study of the Puranic data, I am in a position to say (1) that the historical position of Kalkî can be proved and (2) that his identification can probably be established. I should, however, like to make it clear at the start that the first thesis is independent of the second, and the success or failure of the second does not affect the first.
Puranas place Kalki in the end of Post-Andhra Period. The Puranas, after closing the Andhra Chronicles, give details of foreign dynasties, and after characterising their oppressive rule, state that (a) all these Mlechcbhas having been struck by Kalki would be scattered (V.), or that (b) they were destroyed by Kalki (M.)3 He is thus mentioned as the last name in the list of dynasties and dynasts. After the above detail the Puranas describe the bad condition of the people in the closing period of Kali. Then follows the Puranio summing-up of their historical chronology, ending in 498 A. D. (which I have discussed elsewhere). It is thus apparent that the Puranas clearly indicate that Kahl flourished in the end of their chronological period, called by them the post-Andhra period' ending in 498 A.D.
Kalkin mentioned like any other Historical Person in the Chronicles. Kalki is the last person mentioned in their historical chronicles. Like any other historical figure of the Future Kings' of the Kali Age, he is also put in the future tense. In the Chronicles he is not deified: he is mentioned as an ordinary person.
Puranas employ past tense for Kalki. We have not, however, to depend on the general system of the Puranic Chronicles for our conclusion. The Purâ nas clearly say that he did flourish.
The Vayu in the description of the avataras says that Kalki, Vishņu-Yasas by name, of the family of Parâšara, “although an ordinary man was born (T) of a portion of the Deity." "He flourished (
T i n Kaliyuga.”7 The Matsya says 'the Buddha was born as the ninth (avatara). Kalkin," VishņuYagasa," 8 the leader of the Pârâsaras, will be the tenth' incarnation at the close of Kali.
Ante, Vol. XIII, p. 265, n. 6. The data indicated there for Kalki can no longer be maintained in view of the results of my recent studies.
? afirmar qaratge : 1 37-390. Saltar a: * 272 27. 4 M., 272 30—27. * See my paper on Chronologioal Summary in the Puranic Chroniclos, J. B. 0. R. 8., 1917. 6 U
o afer STE I Vdyu, 36, 111; a: are atayat saran 1 Matoya, 47, 256
Vdyu 36, 104111, • Against Vishu. Yasa of V. and Br. The Bhagavata improves on this mistake of the Matsya and laakes Kalki, a son of Vishnu-Yasas!
on. 47. 247-6