JANUARY, 1917)
I have only at present to beg the favor you will please to get Ships or Vessels to send down to the Squadron all the provisione the Agent Victualler has wrote to Mr. Morge about, as we are in great want of thos0 Articles; as also all the Massoolah boats you can possibly get for the service of the squadron to water the Ships, and save what stores we can out of the wrecked Ships, as we have lost all our Long Boats, and most part of the other boats.
I am &ca.,
CHARLES STEEVENS. Norfolk, off Pondichery, 4th January 1761.
Account of the Loss sustained by the floot in the late Storm. Aquitain, founder'd, one man saved only. Sunderland, a few saved, the Ship founder'd. Queenborough, lost, the people saved. Medway, America, Panther, Falmouth and Liverpool, distasted. Newcastle, ashore, the People saved. Duke, Company's Ship, founder'd at her Anchors. Protector, lost, people saved.
In answer to which the following draft was prepared, and Ordered to be immediately wrote fair and dispatched.
To Charles Steevens, Esqr., Rear Admiral of the Red and Commander in Chief of His Majesty's Squadron in India, Sir,-Amidst the deepest concern on account of the disaster which has befallen those ships of your squadron which remained in Pondichery road, it is a great consolation to us to learn by your letter of the 4th Instant that you are safe with His Majesty's Ship Norfolle and that the Ships which were not yet arrived with Mr. Cornish has been seen in good condition since the storm.
We beg, Sir, you will rely on our utmost endeavours to render you all possible assistance in this your distress; we would even anticipate your wishes if we knew how. The Lord Mansfield and Sandwich, lately arrived from Bengal, having provisions on board for the use of the Squadron, shall be dispatched to you without delay; the former we beleive will sail tomorrow, and the other the next day. The Revenge and Tartar Sloop, arrived here, shall be returned to you as soon as the stores Mr. Morse has to send you can be put on board. The Admiral Watson and Fort William Sohooner shall be also sent back as soon 88 they arrive, and we have this day dispatched to you 13 Mansoolah boats, which are all we have, except a very few reserved for the necessary services of the settlement.
We have the honor to be &ca., GEORGE PIGOT &ca.,
Council. Further Reports from Colonel Cooto: Effect of the news of the disaster wrought
by the Storm on the garrison at Pondloborty.14 Consultation 7th January 1761.-Two Letters from Colonel Coote read as follows.-To the Honble. the President and Council of Fort St. George. Gentlemen,- I have the pleasure to inform you that a ship appeared this morning, which we take for Admiral Steevens, whom every body gave over for lost. I have the honor to inclose you copy of a letter I intercepted from Mr. Lally, by which you will see how absolutely necessary it is to send here all the armed vessels at Madras. As I have not had the least intelligence as yet from
14 Madras Military Consultations, Range 261, Vol. 47, pp. 16-17.