Nagpanchami:-On the 5th day of the Narak-Chaturdashi:-On the 14th day of bright half of Shrávan, pictures of serpents the dark half of Ashvin, the demon Narakasur and snake holes are worshipped. 1
was killed. In consequence, on this day people Champá-Shashti-On the 6th day of the take their bath before sun-rise, break Karinta bright half of Márgashirshe, some ceremony (a fruit), regarding it as a demon, and apply relating to the family-deity is performed. 2
to the family-deity is performed. 2 its seeds to their heads. 11 Ratha-Saptami-On the 7th day of the
Nárali Paurnima :-On the 15th day of bright half of Mágh, the sun is worshipped
the bright half of Shrávan, people worship the and milk is boiled until it overflows.
sea and throw into it a cocoanut.12 Gokul-Ashtami:-On the 8th day of the
Wata-Paurnima:-On the 15th day of dark half of Shrávan the birth of the god
the bright half of Jyestha, women whose hus
bands are alive fast the whole day, and worship Krishna is celebrated.4
the Wata-tree. 13 Ráma-Navami:-On the 9th day of the bright half of Chaitra the birth of the god
On the 15th day of the bright half of Ráma is celebrated.
Ashvin, people keep themselves awake the
whole night and amuse themselves in a variety Vijayadashmi On the 10th day of the
of ways. On the 15tà day of the bright half of bright half of Ashvin people cross the bound
Kártika houses are illuminated. This day is ary of their village and distribute sone (leaves
called Tripuri-Paurnima. On this night people of the Shami and 4 pta trees). It is a popular
illuminate with earthen lamps all temples in belief that a work commenced on this day is
the village, but particularly the temple of sure to end well. Weapons are also worshipped
Shiva. This is done in commemoration of the on this day.
triumph of the god Shiva over the demon TriEkádashi:-On the 11th day of Ashadh and
purasura. The full-moon day of the month Kártik a special fast is observed. People also
of Mágha is called Chudi Pauriima. On this fast on the 11th day of each month. A man
night people light chudies torches and with who dies oa this auspicious day is supposed to
them slightly burn certain flowers, trees and go to heaven." Sometimes the Ekádási falls on
plants. The full-moon day of the month of two consecutive days; in which case the Smár
Fálguna is called the Holi or Holi-Paurnima tas observe the first, while the Bhagvats
and is the biggest holiday of the lower class observe the second.
Hindus. On this night the Hindus kindle the Wáman-dwádashi:-On the 12th day of
Holi-fire and worship it.14 On the 15th day of the bright half of Bhadrapad Wáman is wor
the bright half of dslevin people eat grain of the shipped and one or twelve boys are adored,
pred, new harvest. On the full-moon day of Shrávan being held to represent Wáman. The marri
they perform the Shrávani ceremony and give age of the Tulsi plant is sometimes celebrated
a lamp i charity. On the full-moon day of on this day.
the month of Chaitra, Vaishakha and MárgaDhana Trayodashi:-On the 13th day of shirsha, the births of Máruti, Narasimha and the dark half of Ashwin, Lakshmi, the Dattatraya respectively are celebrated 16 The goddess of wealth is worshipped 10
Kunbis of the Ratnagiri District believe that
1 School Master, Basani, Ratnagiri,
2 School Master, Basani, Ratnágiri, 3 School Master, Basani, Ratnagiri,
School Master, Basani, Ratnagiri, 5 School Master, Basani, Ratnagiri,
& School Master, Basani, Ratnágiri, 7 School Master, Basani, Ratnagiri..
8 School Master, Málgund, Ratnagiri. 9 School Master, Basani, Ratnagiri,
10 School Master, Basani, Ratnagiri. 11 School Master, Basani, Ratnagiri,
1: School Master, Basani, Ratnágiri. 13 School Master, Basani, Ratnagiri.
14 School Master, Bandivade Budruk, Ratnagiri. 15 School Master, Pendur, Ratnagiri.