APRIL, 1914.)
To cut asunder all the [hostile] spells60 of others; To turn aside all untimely51 environments ; 52 To save53 the animated beings from all fetters54 and from accidental death; To turn aside all hostilities55 and evil dreams and evil spectres (bhůta); To frighten away the injuries of yakras and raksas; To frighten away the hosts of 80,000 malignant demons; 60 To cause happiness throughout the 28 lunar constellations ; To turn aside all enemies and dangers and hatred; To frighten away all evil demons, all poisons and weapons ; To turn aside fire and flood. She is the saviour (Târâ)5T from all fear of harmful things ! The great terrible destroyer (Ugrâ)68 is she, invincible against others (aparâjita)! Very fierce (Chanda)59 is she, with great might! Very fiery, with great shining brightness(Marici)! Of great whiteness, a white one is she, clad in a garland of flames ! 60 The noble Târâ, with the frowning brows (Bhrikuti (?))! The renowned one known as The garlanded with thunderbolts of victory.'! Her outward mark of the lotus is the mark of the thunderbolt ! The garlanded one, invincible against others (Aparajita)! With thunderbolt-beak (Vajra-tundi) [yet] the shape of a beauteous damsel 01 is she ! Placid (Siva) is she, adored by all the gods ! The placid one garlanded with gold ! The great White One in a white robe of fire ! Noble Târâ great in might, the thunder-bolt enchaining others. The thunderbolt maid, the upholder of the race ! Be jewelled with the juice of the saffron flower! The famous thunderbolt diadem of Vairoçana !
May all this troop of thy mystic forms, protect our own circle and the Buddhist] doctrine and all living beings!
Here follows the especial incantation or spell, the Dharani proper, in crude Sanskrit. It is a shorter form of the above prayer for protection with some additional cabalistic words.]
O sarva tathāgatornisa sitatapatre hún hrukhri stoi. Jambhanakari hiti hru hrî stou. Mohanakari húsi hrum hrí stom. Lambhanakari hún hrúsi hre som. Bhanakari hún hrú in hristown.
50 Srage.
51 Dus-ma-yin-par. 52 Ch'ib. 58 'Grol-pa. 54 Bchins.
55 Sdar. 36. Gdon.
57 Sgrol. 58 Drag sul, restored by my MS. Dictionary to Ugrå. Ugra Tård is one of the Nepalese series of the • Fine Tards' (Hodgson's Essays, reprint 94). See my Buddhism of Tibet, p. 436 for several of these fierce forms of Tårå.
69 Gtum-ch'en-mo. 60 Rnam agegamo, literary shape +dancing damsel,
61 Most of these epithets in this hymn of praise have been found by Dr. Hoernle in a Sanskrit text of this Dharani in the Stein oollection, though in a different order.