APRIL, 1914.)
Translated from the Tibetan. BY L. A. WADDELL, C.B., LL.D.
(Continued from p. 42).
4. The Black Iron-Beak.
Loha Kala-tunda.37 Tib. 1 Chaga mch'u nag-po. [Ka-gyur Gyud. Calcutta (& I. O. ?) Hodgson Coll. Vol. M:I. O., Tib. texts. (Waddell Coll.) No. K. 17. Vol. Y. (21), No. 264 in my list : Csoma, A8. Res. XX. 540 (8).]
This purports to have been recited by Ananda in order to procure rain, etc. It is to coerce a large number of great Naga-kings,' who are specified by name.
5. The Thunderbolt-Claw.
Vajra-Ratiru. Tib. Dorje sder-mo. (I. O., Tib. Texts (Waddell Coll.) No. K. 17 vol. Ji. (31), No. 260 in my list]. It is addressed to several Mothers,' and other she-devils who are specified by name. No translator is named.
6. The White Umbrella-one of Buddha's Diadem,
U nisa Sitatapatra Aparajita.
The great Turner-away (of Evil). Tibetan: Ka-gyur rGyud, Calc. (& I. O. ?) Hodgson Coll. Vol. P. (13) fol. 181-188 224-229; Csoma As, Res. XX. 519 (18); St. Petersb. Vol. Ph. (14) fol. 212-224. Dharani Sect. W. 133-138: J. Schmidt Cat. 162; I. O., Tib. Texts (Waddell Col.), Ka-gyur as above. Sanskrit :-Raj. L. Mitra, Nep. Budd. Lit. 227; Stein, Turkestan MSS., Hoernle, J.R:A.S. 1911, 461 ff: R.A.S. Hodgs. Coll. No. 77–Uigur ;F.W.K. Muller Uigurica II., 50 ff.—Chinese; Bun. Nanjio, Cat. Tripitaka, No. 1016 ())
" In the Indian Speech [it is called] Arya tathagatos nisa sitätapatre aparajita38 mahapratyangira paramsiddha nama dharani: in the Tibetan P'ag-8-pa de-bz'in giegs-paigtsug-lor-nas byun-bai gdugs-dkar-po-chan gz'an-gyis mi-t'ub-pa p'yir-zlog-pa che'n-po mch'og-tu grub-po z'esbyas bai gzuns i.e., “The Dharani called The Noble White Umbrella One, invincible against others who sprang from the diadem of the Tathagata to accomplish 39 perfectly the great turning away [of evil.)"
Salutation to all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, and Noble Hearers and Pratyeka Buddhas ! Salutation to the Blessed One, (Bhagavân),40 the invincible queen of the diadem!
This word was thus heard by me. The Blessed One was seated in the storeyed temple of the gods of The Thirty Three' with a great congregation of monks, a great congregation of the Bodhisattvas together with Sakra, the ruler of the gods. At that time, the Blessed One seated himself on a low cushion, and at that low level entered into the deep meditation called * the perfect Vision of the Diadem ' (Usnîsa vidariana). 41
37 One version reads 'dusta."
38 Tho masculine gender here, as well as in the Tibetan translation of the title, presurdeg, I think, a form antecedent to the deification of this spell as a fomale goddess.
39 grub-pa, the Tibetan equivalent of the Sanskrit siddha means to accomplish by yoga-methods 40 This is masculine.
41 In the list of religious stages' (dharmapayaraya) enumerated in the Mahduyutpatti (No. 244, 82 St. Petersb, edn. p. 81) is mentioned Unisa-vivarmurdhnah samadhi pravesa.