[MARCH, 1914.
obtaining victory over this to utter the excellent spell and therefore the rain has begun to fall; so remembering the astrological formula he summoned the Naga (and) performed the burnt offering of fire-mixing together sessamum and fruits, and the mustard grain, butter, salt, he made the burnt offering. Thereupon the Vagas merely appeared (but] were not subjected. He praised the bolt (of Indra]33 and struck the head of the Nâga, and splitting it he enjoyed the pleasure of weakening the downpour. Thereupon the Naga quivering with great rage and fury, instantly by the swift power of a Naga forsook his [former] body and changed temporarily in a vapour of dazzling light to destroy [his assailant). When this great spirit was descending like a shroud to destroy the body of the Brahman, the latter unassisted by his men was unable to make the burnt offering of fire. Helpless, in order to escape, he besought The Blessed One as a protecting mother to save him. Falling at the feet of the Blessed One he prayed saying: 'O Bhagavan, save my life I beseech you from destruction by the enraged Naga! Will you not save! Save, O Bhagavan, Save, o Tathagata !' Then The Blessed One spake unto that great breathless Brahmin: Fear not great Brahmin, I shall be your protector, and saviour and friend,' and having thus spoken and saying no more, he sat down.
Then Vajra pâni, the great general of the Yakşas besought The blessed One, saying: - Grant this prayer 0 Bhagavân, so that the harvest be not destroyed by wildsNagas, also for the sake of (our) complete happiness.35 in the future. Your instructions are necessary for all living beings. In what way should we act in such an alarming emergency ? O Bhagavan what is to be done to benefit the harvests, to protect them perfectly, to increase them to the utmost, for the complete protection of the fields against the hostile Nagas--we beseech you tell
Then, the Bhagavan answered Vajrapâại the lord of esoterism and said :-“ Vajra pâui, the angry heart of the Naga causes it to do angry, deeds. The Dharani called the * Thunderbolt Beak', the heart of the Tathagata, the Arhant and most perfect Buddha, is the remedy. That I now declare (unto you). By this speech the injury will be swiftly stayed and all the harvest be completely protected &c., &c."
Thereupon Vajrapani, the great general of the Yakşas spake thus : 'The Blessed One is the healer of all living beings. We beseech him in kindness to utter the words of the mantras of this great Dharari. Then the Bhagavan in kindness said [the spell]: Namo Bhagavate sarvd Buddhana namo Bhagavate Sakyarâjava! O jala jala giri giri bhavana, dipata vega mahachandanato hridaya jalani. huru huru. hana hana. daha daha. patsa patsa. sarvasasana naga-kula paiana, dc. dc. dc. Någa dindhárini hum phat jalamani pha! jalini phat phat phat pha svaha!"
(The subsequent pages go on to enumerate the various specific ills and diseases, demons, and animal pests against which the spell is efficacious, and also details the necessary offerings to be made. The only other reference to Beak,' which I have observed is the following. * the owl and the rat and the various kinds of long-beaks and swarming pests shall not come forth on the muttering of this spell." It ends by restating the title correctly as Vajra-tunda, and adds that it is the thunderbolt-heart3e for allaying the harm done by Nagas to the harvest. In the colophon no name of author or translator is mentioned.)
(To be continued.)
33 Tib. pur-bu. This is the name of the large nail of wood or metal used to stab demons. My Sanskrit-Tibetan Dictionary gives its equivalent as ketli and famku' and the former manifestly is intended for kila . bolt, pin or lance,' from kil to bind (Wilson's Ekt Dick, 232); and the latter is obviously corrupt for iarba = the thunderbolt of Indra, Wilson 8. D. 848. 34 Literally 'untamed.'
35 Or niredwa.
36 Or essence' añin.po.