Atharvaveda, apishan (see M. Ved. Gr., § 436, footnote 2, p. 330).-Again, VI. class for IXth prâsêt, II 828 64; only once, to suit the metre, (élôka), but usually (3: 1) normal, prâśniyât, II 778 61 824 64 III 59 184. So also, nigrihnati (for nigrihnâti), II 342 43 1083 75, in both instances to suit the metre (ślóka); for analogous cases in the Vedas, see M. Ved, Gr., § 475a p. 349.-Again, VI. class for VIIth, participle present, prayumjamâna, 1 54 5, an anomalous form for prayujamâna, which would not have suited the metre (âryâ): only once; elsewhere normal, prayumjana, II 95 31 312 42 783 61 (for another anomaly, prayunjit see below 2a).
(2) Change of "voice;" (a) parasmaipada for âtmanêpada; âdhatti, II 147 34. an anomalous confusion of the two forms âdhattê (âtm,) and âdadhâti (par.), to suit the metre (ârya) which requires a short syllable. Again, bhâshati (for bhâshatê), II 1099 75, required by the metre (lôka); but normal abhâshata, II 969 71; the parasm, is epic.-Again, labhati (for labhatê), II 727 59, and labhêt (for labhêta), II 363 44, in both instances due to the metre (slôka), elsewhere normal (8: 2), labhatê, II 513 52, and labhêta, II, 200 36, etc. (see Index); in Parts IV and V, occasionally irrespective of metre, lapsyasi, IV 9 193, and labhishyasi, V 12 204; examples also in epic. Again, vardhati, I 60 5, once, irrespective of metre; elsewhere normal varddhatê, I 46 5 II 757 60, and varddhantê, II 618 56; but parasm, also vedic and epic.-Again, prayumjit (for prayumjita), II 865 66; a quite anomalous form, apparently, suggested by the normal âtmanêpada form prayunjita, which occurs in I 36 4 52 5 II 198 36 761 60; the normal parasmaipada form prayumjyât occurs in II 269 40-Again, passive, lakshyanti (for lakshyanté), II 1042 73, to suit the metre (lôka).
(b) Atmanê pada for parasmaipada; gachchhéta (for gachchhêt), II 830 64 840, 84165; only in the optative, and to suit the metre (lóka); elsewhere normal, gachchhanti, II 827, 828, 833 64; âtmanêpada also epic.-Again, chikitsatê (for chikitsati), II 949 70; only once, to suit the metre (u pêndravajra); elsewhere normal, II 273 40 309 42 928 69; but âtmanêpada also epic.-Again, jivêta, II 51 28; only once; elsewhere normal, jivêt, I 42 4 50 5 II 744 59 932 69; âtmanêpada also epic,-Again, pivatê (for pibati), II 248, 253, 39 and pivêta (for pibêt), II 82 30 327 42 593 55 845 65 1116 76, to suit the metre, but as a rule (55: 5) normal; e. g., pivêt, I 25, 26, 27, 3 II 24 27 III 17 182, etc. (see Index), prapivêt, I 20 2 21, 23 3; âtmanêpada also vedic and epic.-Again, samayalé (for samayali), II 274 40, due to the metre (álôka).
(c) Conjunctive participles: grihya, II 401 46 525 52 646 58 IV 12 193; always, for the normal grikitvâ, which never occurs; also vedic, but apparently only in composition with nouns, as karna-grihya, see M. Ved, Gr., § 591a, p. 413.-Again, pishya, II 887 67; only once; elsewhere normal, pishtvâ, II 41 28, etc. (see Index); also epic.-Again, aravya (for) srâvitva), II 371 44.-Again, samânayitvâ, II 1114 76; but normal, samâniya, II 214 37; similarly once in vedic, pratyarpayitva, M. Ved. Gr., § 590b, p. 412.
(1) Stems ending in as, or is, or us may have alternative endings in a, or i, or u, as a rule with change of gender from neuter to masculine. Thus (a) with as neuter and a masculine; arias, accusative plural, arśamsi, II 52 29 III 7 181, etc., twelve times (sce Index); and aria, accusative plural, arsân, II 107 31, only once; similarly in composition, arías (ario), II 136 33, etc., eleven times (see Index), and aría, II 644 58, only once.-Again, tamas, accusative singular, tamas (tamo), II 84 30 941 69; and tama, only in compounds, tama-ivâsa, II 479 50, tamôpasrishta, II 424 47.-Again, payas, accusative plural, payamsi, II 599 55, etc. (numerously, see Index), or in composition, payas (payo), I 59 5 II 814 63 III 68 184, anomalously payasôdana, II 374 45 722 58; and paya, only in the compound