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We have the same crow's foot on the margin of fol. 136, where it refers to the cancelled numeral four, On fol. 24b, it occurs in duplicate, at the end of line 10, apparently to indicate the misplacement of the preceding colophon, which should stand on line 9. It will be observed that there are twenty-four formula for the preparation of various kinds of gruel (vv. 785-802). To these is appended a charm for insuring long life (ayus) in vv. 803-4, and after it comes the colophon Bhêlê yavägú. This colophon indicates that the verses preceding it are composed by Brela (or Bheça). As a fact, the charm (vv. 803-4) is found in the existing unique Tanjore Manuscript of the Bheda Sarhità (see note 376, p. 154), in the seventh chapter of its Sútra Sthana which deals with indriyopakramaniya, that is, with general rules for the preservation of bodily and mental health. But the formulæ for the gruels (vv. 785-802) cannot be traced in it owing to its mutilated condition. Seeing. however that formulæ, practically identical, are found in the Charaka Sanhita, in the second chapter of its Sutra Sthana, it may rightly be assumed that the missing formulæ would be fouud in the second chapter of the Sutra Sthâna of the Bhêda Sarihita, if the text of the latter were intact.71 It is further to be observed that the charm has no particular connection with the gruels. It and they are mentioned in two different and quite unconnected chapters of the Sanhita, and the charm may be used with any kind of treatment in order to render the latter effective for long life, while the gruels of Bheda are specifically referred to in the colophon. One naturally expects, therefore, to find the colophon, not after the charm, but immediately after the gruels, that is, after verse 802. If it is replaced in its proper place, in 1. 9 of fol. 246, it will be seen that it comes to stand between two wheels (see Fig. 18) And in fact, the existing
Fig. 18. niisplacement of the colo
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A corrective marginal note. with the numerals (one above the other) on the margin against the wheel mark of the colophon. The figure 2 would refer to the second chapter of the Sútra Sthana which contains the formulæ for the gruels, while the figure 7 would indicate the seventh chapter of that Sthâna as the source of the charm; and the reviser's object in thus identifying the two different sources of the gruels and charm would be to indicate that the colophon which speaks of the gruels (yavâga) of Bheda really belongs to the verses 785-802 which contain the formulæ for those gruels.
Exceptionally the correction of a letter is made in the text itself. Thus, in Part I, fol. 2a8 the second letter of durjjara is written across the letter y of the original reading durjjaya; see note 10 on p. 12.
In Parts V-VII only one of the above-mentioned signs, viz., he cross, is found. It occurs twice in Part V. fol. 5a, where it, marks the omission of the syllable na, supplied below, between lines 2 and 3; and ibid, fol. 663, where it marks the insertion of the syllable té, written on the margin, below the cross. Otherwise corrections are not marked by any sign. For example, in Part VI, fol. 3a", the omission of the syllable na of upananda, which is supplied below, between lines 4 and 5, is not marked by any sign; neither is the interlinear supply of , ibid., fol. 5a. Similarly the supply of the syllable kto, on the margin of fol. 3a, in Part VI, is not marked. The meaning of this syllable is quite unintelligible; for the suggestion made, in noto 18, p. 224, is not tonable. Possibly it may really be the badly drawn and hence cancelled, numeral three; though this explanation, too, is not satisfactory. Occasionally blundered readings are defaced; as in Part VI., fols. 261 and 366, and in Part VII, fol. lai.
Ti See ako ontwal, Royal Asiatic Society, 1909. Pp. 869-70; and id. 1910, p. 830.
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