Sambhar, Sakambari, salt lake. . . . 60, 263 n gambhava, Saiva term .. .. sambodhi, word in Rock Ediot VIII .. .. 159 Sampradayins (Bhagavata), immigration of 196, f. Samudragupta k, date of. 58; Harishema's
panegyrio of 31 f, 172-179; 244, 245 and n.; his conquests 217–219; 247 ; 192; 265 n, 266 ; and Hastivarma 281 ; coins and inscrips.
B. Ms. 26, f. Sanchi, ali pa 20, f.; 208; inscrip. 135, 161, f. Sånchor, vil. of Dahiya Rajpats
.. 268 Sandanes, Sundara ..
.. 379 Sanggora, see Singora
.. 184 sangha and patisů Sanghamitta and Ceylon Sankara, cave inscrip. in Udayagiri .. Sankaracharya, and Balavarma 53, f.; 195, 198;
his reference to Jayaditya .. .. .. 235 Sankaragana, Kalachuri, k., his Abhône grant 270 Sankarâryâ, author of a commentary (on the
Nitisara of Kåmandaki) called Jayaman. gala, 202 ; and the Jayamangala, a comman.
tary on the Kamasltra of Vateyâyana .. 203 gaikha, conch shell, mark, .. .. B. Ms. 39 SÂukhida plate of Santilla .. .. .. 207 Santideva, his works 49, legendary life, or
Achagena 50; or Bhusuku 51; miscalled
Jayadeva .. .. .. .. .. 52 Sanskrit, (kavya) literature, 29; theory of the
Renaissance of, 243—249; maxims and nyayas in 250 ; f. ; inscrips. of Kedah 41 ; Harsha stone 57; Girnar 188-193; on the pronounciation of 47, ff. ; lang. of the Åryas 78, 80, 82; Buddhistio words 179, f.; and the Pali canon 205, f. ; and Prakrit
246 ; 288; .. B. Ms., 9 n., 14, 44 and n. 80-parte, sa peru, string or ca
. 210 n. 80 sapek, see sapêque .. .. .. .. 216 sapěque sa pakuestring of cash 85 n. 1, 216 n. 80 sa-perak, silver coin see kënděri pěrak, 238 n. 95
=6 cents, 86 n. 6 in accounts 6 cente.. 157 sapta-purusha, seven men,' period of time .. 33 saplarishie, seven sages . . . .
.. .. 194 Sarada script . . . B. Ms. 31-34 Saraganus, perhaps Satakapi .. .. .. 279 Sarasvati, or Bharati, goddess, and the testing
of poetry, etc. .. .. .. 53; 177 siris, among the Smarta Dravida Brahmans .. 197 Sarvalogaiswara, Kushana title .. .. .. 136 salac-sa-takok, string of cash.. .. 215 n. 80 Satêkani,-girl-, Andhra k. 277 f., and, Sara
gånus 279, Satavahana, So-to-pho-lo, Siri
Puļumdvi .. .. .. .. .. 280 satallie, sataleer, see tali .. .. n. 5 and 6 274 Satya, donor in Manandasor inscrip. .. .. 161
sauta, 82-utas, string or file of cash . 215 n. 82 savages, and argument etc. .. .. .. 299 Savarnabhumi, Ukkala, Burma.. .. . 38 Savitri, g. 32; generator
.. .. 140 sciences and arts, and anthropology 289-291, 297
ribal errors .. .. .. .. B. Ms. 42 scripts, used ...
. .. . B. Ms. 2 28 Scythians, in India ..
.. 246, f. seals, the three Harappa . .. .203 Sekhavatt, division of W. India.. .. .. 59 sel, Manipuri bell-metal coin, 111; 800-1000
to the dollar, 111-400 reckoned as 5000 cowries on Indian system of reckoning cow.
ries by gandas (quarters) . . .. 111 ašlingeskilling=s'killing, small silver change
86 n. 5, 157 Seleuous, and Chandragupta 265, Salayaketu
267 and n. sen, cent, in British scale of Malay Money 85, 128 Senart, M., and Asoka edicts 25; 169, f. ; 182
and n., 183 sendu, divine weapon .. .. .. 70, 72 Serai Tam, ruin, at Qum Turd .. B. MS. 10, 11, 13 Sergi, Italian writer and the Aryans .. 77, f. Shahbâzgarhi inscrip. .. .. .. 25, 160 Shah Jahân, Emp., reign of .. .. .. 208 Shaivism, in Java .. .. .. .. 41 Sharavati, riv., and the Jog Falls .. 285, 286 n. Shwe Dagon Pagoda inscrip., Rangoon 285, 286 n. Siamese money, scale of .. .. .. 163 sicoa rupee-Government rupee, 213; =Ben
gal standard, 106 :-=half a dollar.. .. 213 Siddha, k.
.. .. .. .. 177. Siddhasenadivakara, author of the Kalyana.
mandirastotra .. .. .. .. .42, 44 Siddhavarman and Simhavarman .. .. 218 signs, numeral .. .. .. .. B. Ms. 37 Siksh4-Samuchchaya, & work attributed to Såntideva
. . . . . . 49-52 Siladitya, k., and Alopen ..
.. .. 180 silver to tin, ratio 1: 10 ;-to gold, ratio 1:6,
109 n 15 silver money used in Malay Statos, origin of,
99:-modern denominations of, result of
dividing dollars into cents .. .. .. 99 silver weights, scale of, at Patani .. .. 156 Simharaja, Chahamâna k. .. .. 58--60 Simhavarman and Siddhavarman .. 218, f. Simsin, N. E. of Kuchar, has rock cut caves
B. Ms. 4 n. Simuka, Sindhuka, Râya Satavahana, first 1 Andhra k. .. Sindhuraja of Mâlwa. Navashasanka 83 ; hero of the Navasthasdi kacharita .. o ko . . . .
. 287 Singora, trilingual coins of ..
.. ..
.. 184 .. 184