Inscriptions, 'in Shwe Dagon Pagoda 38, f. ; Jatavarman Vira Påndya III .. 166, 226, and n. Kalyant 40; in Java 41.; Kadamba etc. 53 ; Java and casto 41; table of coins in circulation, Tamil 54; of Vijayapala 83 ; 84; Taxila,
1830, .. ..
.. .. 211 Mahaban ete. 133, 134, 135 and n.; of Nera. Jayachandra, Jayantachandra, GAhalavala varman etc. 161-168 ; 185, 187; 189 Palla
K. .. .. ..
.. .. 84, 286 Va ete. 198; in Ellichpur Temple 221; Delhi Jayad&man, son of Chashtana .. .. .. 246 Iron Pillar ete. 266 n. ; H&thigumph cave Jayadeve, Śântideva .. .. etc. 27; 277, f. ; Nasik 279; Andhra etc. Jayaditya, referred to by Sankaracharya .. 233 280 and n.; 281 ; Gaya 286 ; of N. India Jayamangal, & commentary on Vatsyâyana's 287; Brahmi 307 ; from Badgun 308;
Kamasutra, its real author 202 ; two works Gupta etc. .. .. B. MS. 22; 2534 of the name . . . . . .
.. .. 203 interpunction marks .. .. .. B. MS. 37 Jayanátha, his copperplate grant .. B. MS. 22 invasion of India, Aryan
.. .. 77, ff. Jayant
Jayanta, Indra's son .. .. .. .. 7 Iran, history of .. .. .. .. 252 | Jayantachandra, (Jayachandra)
.83 Igapur inscrip. ..
Jayapur, and Jaipur .. ..
.. 60 Islam, in India ..
.. .. B. MS. 18 Jayasimha, Chalukya K. 54; and Yasovarman 258
Jayavarman, his inscrips. 198; 218; .. B. Ms. 23 Jering in Patani .. .. .. .. .. 101
Jinendrabuddhi, Nyåsakara .. .. 238, ff. Jacobi, Prof. and the Kalyanamandirastotra Jnanasambandar, Saivite teacher .. .. 307
44 ; on Pápdya dates 226 n., 227; 249 Jog, or Gersappe Falls, on Sharavati riv. .. 285 jagirdar, Rajput title .. .. .. 269 n. joko, see tokens, gambling .. .. .. 155 Jain literature, references to Buddhist author's jongkong tin currency=kati 86 ; tampang,
in . .. .. .. .. .. 241, f. 90 n 32, 167, origin explained, 121; kòping, Jainn, versions, two of the story of Solomon's
slab, 90, 158 :-in hat-money, 12 to a dollar judgment 148, ff temple in Ellichpura 220, f. 260 grs. 90 ; = 10 cents. 86 casting of, Jainas, Nirgranthas, in inscrips. .. .. 29 132 As a charm .. .. .. 130, 1.. Jainism, and Hinduism 208 ; under Kanishka Junagadh rock inscription. 31; B. Ms. 31, f., 34
246 ; and Buddhism, in S. India, origin and decline of .. .. .. .. 306, f. Jaipur State, Harsha inscrip. in 57; divisions
.. .. 59, 60 Kabul, and the White Huns .. .. .. 249 jalanamitte, joalanamitras:friend of fire, ap. Kadamba, inscription . . . . . . 53 ; 198 plied to Bhisa .. to bhasa.
.. . .. .. .. 53
Kadamba script. .. .. .. B. Ms. 30 Jalor, Rathor territory ..
. .. 267, f. Kadambari, a romance by Banabhatta .. 30 Jambudivipa, Ien-feou-ti . . .. .. 136 Kadphises, Kushana K. .. .. .. 136 janvpal, Dutch guilder 101, 238, f. ; now rare kahapana, meaning of, 'coin not 'gold mohar and obsolete 238 n. 93 half dollar 85, 157;
116; compared with the dinira of Kashmir 116 50 cents 86, 91=30 cents 85 n 2
Kahâum, pillar inscription. .. 31; B. Ms. 30 500 cash 127 : in British scale of Malay kaisarasa, title of Kapishka .. .. .. 136 money 5 kati, 128: =64 lbs., 91 =112 kaka-pada, crow's foot mark . B. Ms. 40, f.
oz. 7 lbs. .. .. .. .. .. 90 Kakatika monks .. .. .. .. .. 20 Japanese and Indian Scholars, collaborate .. 252 kalchupak, measure of capacity. 130 n. 2 Jaadan Pillar inscrip. .. .. .. .. 189 Kalachuri, Katchchuri, and other forms 207 and n. Jatkvarman Kulagekhara, I and II Kings 165, ff. Kalah, Golanagara and Point de Galle 40, 41 and n. Jatavarman Paråkrama Pandya, K. .. .. 166 kalang (tin coin) seo challaine 108, see calaim Jatávarman Srivallabha, K. .. .. 166; 225, f.
109 n 10 Jatavarman Sundara Pandya I., K. 165, f., Kalaba, and the Amazons .. .. .. 249 169, f. ; II :-165, f., 221, ff. ; III-166 ; Kalásoka, k. .. .. .. .. .. 56
IV : 166 and n., 228 Kalhana's Eighth Taranga, critical notes on Jatavarman Tribh. Parkkrama Pandya, K... 229
. . . . . 301. ff. Jatavarman Tribh. Sundara Pandya, K. .. 224 KAlidêsa, poet, date of, etc., 29, f. ; 247; copied Jaţavarman Tribh. Vikrama Pândya, K. .. 166 by Vatsabhatti 142, 146, 148 ; quoted 177; Jaţavarman Vira Pandya I. .. .. 165, 171 244 and n., 245 ; 248, 249 and n.; and the Jaţåvarman Vira Papdya II .. 166, f., 170, 227 Huns .. .. .. .. .. 266 and