.. 68
Dhruvabhūti, general ..
Dutch Malay currency, origin of 97 :-mon. Dhruvasarman, his Bhilsad Pillar inscription.. 31 etary system based on the tal, 94 :-old Diana of Ephesus ..
scale 102 :-profit on dealing in tin ingots.. 100 Dignaga, Buddhist teacher . .. 248 and n. Dutch money .. .. .. .. .. 299 Digvijaya, Hindu title ..
Dutreuil de Rhins MS., the oldest Indian book dikpalas, deities .. .. . .. 67
B. M8. 18 Dildar Khan, found the Weber MS. B. MS. 6, Dyaus, g. .. .. .. .. .. .. 81
ff., 12, 15. Dingala dialects.. ..
. .. 43
East Coast (Malay) currency .. .. 101, ff. dinheiro = cent == 2 cash .. .. .. 109 1 East India Company, Malay coinage 105, in. disk, mark in .. .. .. .. B. MS. 39
fluence on Strait settlements, 106 Malay Dohad inscrip. i. ..
.. .. 258
currency policy 214, attempt to control in doit duit=cent 105 Dutch cash 240
1685, 97 n. 51 :-5 doit piece in Achin .. 106 300 to the dollar 209, 211; 240 to the rupee
Edicts of Aboka, Rock IV 26, f. ; 55, f. ; VI 282, f. (Java) 275 :-five doit pieceukupang=-64 Edkins, on Alopen .. .. .. .. 180 centa 254, 258, f; represents anciens Indian
Eggeling Prof., and the Adityas .. 75, ff. copper scale .. .. .. .. .. 254
Egypt and female rule 68, f. ; and anthropo. dollar (ringgit); unit of Malay tin currency, 90,
logy, etc. .. .. .. .. 293, 297 =3200 grs. 237 :-unit of tin weight, origin
Elephant, the White, name of Buddha .. 26 of, 98, constant at 131-14 lbs., 90, 98,
Ellichpur, the ancient Achchalapura.. 220, f. 6-101 kati, 90, f. also 13 lbs=10 kati, 91 :
Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics, of Islam.. 252 -8p. silver, standard weight 416 gr., 238 n.
Epigraphic notes and questions, contd. from 96; real of 8 eut up for currency by weight
Vol. XLI. p. 173 XIV Fourth Rock Edict in candareens 215 :-in hat-money weighs
of Aloka 25, f.; XV. Talegaon grant of 3120 grs. in use in Malay in six varieties
the Rastrakuta King Krishna I. 27, f. ; XVI 158; pillars-cannon, 157 :-divisions Ne.
Sambodhi, in Rock Edict VIII 159; XVII tive and European 274 : -of 400 cash
was Devagupta another name of Chandraunit of tin money and of silver money . 91 gupta II 160; XVIII. Mandagor inscrip. Dondra temple, mixed worship in .. 41
of Naravarman 161, f.; XIX. Rock Edict double key=dubbeltje . .. 85 n 1, 86 n. 5
I reconsidered 255, ff.; XX Ujjain Stone double stroke, mark in B. MS. 37, 39, 40 and n.. 42,
inscrip. of Chaulukya Jayasimha .. .. 258
Eran inscrips. .. 31; B. MS. 25 and n. 30 f dramas in Mathura ..
.. 246
Ethnology, Bureau of .. .. .. 296, f. Drávidas, the five, a Hindu group .. ..48, f. Europe and the Aryane .. .. Dravidian, people of India 77, 1., 80 ; customs, Expeditions, to E. Turkestan B. MS. 2 and n, 3 and n
spread of 195, f. ; word in Vedio literature.. 235 dua jampal, double jampal-dollar .. .. duapulok sene20 cents .. ..
Fa-Hian, Chinese pilgrim .. . 41, 240 dubbeltje, Dutch 85 2 cents, 86,= 10 onsh, fanamadali (Sumatra) 275 : treble=tali . 102
102 double key .. .. .. 85 n. 1 Federated Malay States, currency of .. .. 299 duit, copper and lead coin, 105 n 1 köping, Fleet, Dr., on dates 29, ff. ; on Rock Edict VIII. the copper unit of Malay coinage 106, 127
159, 161; 163; and Harishena's Panegyrio pese, 159 =l cash 85 34 cash 102:-1 cent,
of Samudragupta 172 n., 173 n.; 175 n.; Dutoh soale, 85, f : cent., British scale
178 ; 247 and n.; on the Vani grant 269; 156, 159
283 and n., 286; B. MS. 25 n duit ayam, fowl or cock doit, 127 n 75,5.copper flower coins-cock coin .. .
.. 127 cash 105,-keping=duit, 102 n 92; ten to
Fine arts .. ..
.. 291 the cent.. .. .. .. .. 128 n. 84
fire, sacred 19; cult in Panjab Valley, 78, 80, duit bunga tanjong, 'flower of the Cape' duit.. 127
in Persia .. .. .. .. 81 R. duit chabang, Dutch E. I. Co.'s doitduit ayam
Folklore from the Nizam's Dominions .. 284 also wang .. .. .. .. .. 127 duit jagoh, cash with the cock, hoe duit ayam.. 105
Forbes, Mr. Gordon, his poem on the Jog duit lorek .. .. .. .. .. .. 127
Falls .. .. .. .. .. 286, 1. Dnrvinita, k., author of the Sabdávatóra, and
Forchhammer, the late Dr., and Burma . 40 other works . .. .. .. .. 204 Franke-Portuguese .. .. .. .. 110
77, f