buku, small piece of tin .. .. .. .. 158 5600, p. 211; 6400 pp. 108, 274 ; Chinese Burma, and the Sunda Islands, and Indian zinc, 6000, p. 216 debased Chinese 25,000
Buddhists .. .. .. .. 38, ff. -100,000, .. .. .. pp. 214, 274, f. Burmans, froin Gangon Valley .. .. .. 38 | cash-trees (Patani), 125, 154 : =lindori = 3 Burmese, inscription at Bodh Gaya .. .. 286 cents = 26 to the tree, 104 half tree = busok, a gold coin .. .. .. .. 128 13 cash .. .. .. .. .. .. 104 Buton Tura, E. of Kuchar, has rock-cut caves Caste, in Java .. .
. . 41 B. MS. 4 n. catholico, gold coin, 26 grs. = 5 bastardo = buwaiya = buaya
1000 cash =dollar .. .. .. .. 109 byza, byxo, Port. for viss
.. 107 oatti, catty = kati .. .. .. 87, 214 caul, see kal
. .. .. .. 130
cave figures and inscriptions .. .. 277. ff. caixa = cash, 108 f= 10 to & cent .. .. 109
caxia = Chinese cash .. .. .. 214, f.
ceitil, Port. coin (1511), 6 or 7 to the reis 113 n. 308. calaim, see challine, 108: tin coin in Maldives in 1602=100 cash, ten to a dollar .. 109 n. 10
cents, scale of 400 rose out of Malay tin cur. calin (tsin coin) see calaim 109 n. 12: see
rency 110; scale of 1000 rose out of Chinese challaine
tin currency .. .. . .
. . 110 ..
. . .
. .
. 108 Calliena, modern Kalyan ..
Ceylon, 38; and Buddhaghosha etc... .. 279 ..
39, ff.
Chachcha, Chacha, prince Cambridge University and anthropology 296, ff.
.. . 267, f.
Chåhamâna, family in Harsba stone inscrip... 58. Campbell, and the Andhras . .. 276, f., 279
chakra, wheel, mark in .. .. B. MS. 38 candareen, see kindšti .. Candra Varma, Chandra Varman .. 219 n
challaine, calaim, calin, kalang (tin coin
.. capin=kiping ...
.. 97 n. 54 ..
.. 108
Chalukyas, and Kosalas eto. 195, f. ; E. .. 281 onpin cupine =kiping, s slab of tin 89 n. 27
Champú, mixed composition .. .. .. 173 cas (Malay) = cash
.. .. .. 214 cash = cent. in modern British malay money
Chandaka brothers, actors of Mathura .. 246
Chandana, Chhamana k. .. .. 58, f. 86, as 1.cent in Dutch Malay money, 86 of
Chandi-Sataka, song by Binabhatta .. .. 30 lead, 110:-Malay soales of, very old in India
Chandra, Emp., his Meherauli pillar inscrip. 111, directly connected with system of rec
32; 217, ff. ; Chandravarma
266 n. koning cowries 111 f of zino 214, 215 n.
Chandragupta I. .. .. .. 219, 266 79 : treated as metal cowries 112 Chi
Chandragupta II., Vikramaditya and the nene, described 214, f, origin of in Malay coun.
Gupta era 30, f. ; etc. 148; 160, ff.; and tries 113 n. 30a, 125, tin pice (paisa) 106 :
Samudragupta 172 n; 175 n. 176 ; 219, death -of tin or spelter with trilingual legends
of 234 ; conquests etc. 244, 247; 265, ff.; 163: legends on 154, ff, stamped with
and the Andhras 276, 279 .. .. B. MS. 28 English initials 153 ;. custom regarding coinage of 153 used as charms .. . 156
Chandraraja, Cháha Mina k. .. .. .. 58 cash, scales in terms of the dollar: table of
Chandravarman, k. .. . .. 218, f. West Coast and Perak 239 Scale of 400,
chaping = Köping
.. 154, f. Chargéon inscription..
. .. 135 pp. 85, 153, 275; origin of 101, f; spread in
Charlemagne, 7th cent. scale of reckoning 240 Europe 112; Russian and Malay identical, 112, f.;= 400 dam to the jalald of Akbar =
denarii to the pound=960 to the dollar .. 114
charms, against snakebite, for long life B. MS. 400 sel to the rupee (Manipur), 111; variants
22, 41 320 and 384, 154 f. ; 480 pp. 153, ff. ; 600,
Chashtana, Tiastanes, Satrap 188, ff., 192; 230; 246 p. 101 ; 800, pp. 103, 105 Scale of 1280,
Cha topadhyaye, the late Bankim Chandra, pp. 104, 181, 209, half scale (640) pp. 154, 258
and Muhammedbin Bakhtiyar-i-Khalji .. 185 reckoned as 160 to the string, 209; 1280
chaturmasyas intercalary periods . .. 76 1000, common to all Europe 113, ff., explain.
chátus, flattering verses . .
.. 174 ed 113 f. :-converted into 1000 by Albuquer.
Chaulukya Jayasimha his Ujjain inscription.. 258 que at Malacca 110 Soale of 1000, origin chazza = cash .. .. .. . of, 101, 108, ff., see also 105, 127, 127 n. 84 ; Chebhatika, of the Karkarkja inscrip., and varianta 1008 and 1056 pp. 106 : Scales of
Chehời Khurd in Nasik dist... .. .. 270 Chinese, fuotuating 1600, p. 106, f. ; 3200, p. cheling see Kling ..
.. .. 109 a, 13 107; 4200, p. 216 ; 4800, pp. 107, 211; Chera, Co. .. .. .. .. .. .. 71
.. 108