[NOVEMBER, 1993.
Coins in use. (a) European and Indian. Java ; Batavia (K. 100, M. 851) : Sumatra ; Padang (M. 846).
(6) European and Indian valued in stivera. Molucca; Amboyna (K. 97): Peninsula; Malacca (K. 100).
(c) Spanish dollars and othor coins. Moluccas ; Ternate (K. 120), 8p. dollars 48. 72. (M. 396), ducatoons (4/5 Sp. dollars), crowns at 2% premium on Sp. dollars (K. 120, M. 396): Celebes ; Macassar, Sp. dollars 48, 7d. Earopean and Indian coins : Sumatra; Palembang (K, 112, M. 847), Bp. dollers 58. 5d., and holed cash, 500 = 1 parool, 16 parcels = Sp. dollar = 80,000 cash to the dollar.
8. European Influence. A Dollar with Natios Divisions.
Money of Account. Peninsula; Selangor (K. 115, M. 316), 8 tampang =rixdollar: Celebes ; Macassar (K. 107 7 mas = rixdollar.
Scales Sumatra ; Sšngkel
Samatra ; Ben kulen. (K. 118, M. 332).
(K. 101). Proportion.
Soale. Proportion.
Soale. 16 talis = suku 328 tali
= saku 4 suku tabil
4 soka = dollar = 4 Sp. dollar (.: suku dollar)
Peninsula ; Trengganu.
(K. 121, M. 323). Proportion.
Seale. 25,600 400 pitis?
kopang 64 kopang
mas . . 16 mas
= dollar 4 doller
tahil (:. 6,400 pitis
Coins in use. (a) Sp. dollar. Peninsula; Trengganu (K. 121, M. 828).
(6) Sp. dollar, value 55. Sumatra ; sõngkel (K. 118, M. 882), Benkulen (K. 101).
B. Dollars with mixed Native and European Dirisions.
Money of Account.
Java; Batavia (R. 100).
Senle. 2 sliver'
cash 2 tali 4 suka
cash tali suka dollar)
: Milbourn says, p. 318," in schillingu."
II..., 4/3 ritdollar.
. I..., /4 rixdollar. • reported (K. 118) as satalli..
• reported (K. 101) as stallie, matallor. reported (K. 121) a. patties ; (. 393) ss patties.
.. toported (K. 121, M. 823) As cowany. • Bepplied: not in K. 100; ruk o ne quarter dollar.