OCTOBEE, 1913.
(2) भामहोटप्रकृतबश्चिरंतनालंकारकाराः।
अलंकारसर्वस्व p.3 (3) भामहादिमतेन तु अर्थान्तरन्यास एवं
इट' काव्यानुशासन p. 116 The views of Daņdin being the same as those of Bhâmaha about sufra , Rudrata would have said forufaa, had he thought Dandin to be the oldest Alavikdrika in place of Bhamaha..
(6) Bhamaha's work is looked upon with great reverence by authors like Mammata and Abhinavagupta and is called . The fo lowing verses have been quoted by Mammata :
सैषा सर्वत्र वक्रोक्तिरनयार्थी विभाव्यते। यत्नोऽस्यां कविमा कार्यः कोऽलंकारोऽनया विना॥
काव्यप्र.x. This Verse is quoted in ध्वन्यालोक and लोचन pp. 207-8 and हेमचन्द्र' काव्यानुशासन p.267.
रूपकादिरलंकारस्तस्थान्यैर्वाधोदितः। न कान्तमपि निभूषं विभाति वनितामुखम् ।। रूपकादिमलंकारं बाह्यमाचक्षते परे। सुपां तिनं च व्युत्पत्तिं वाचां वाञ्छन्त्यलंकृतिम् | तदेतदाहः सौशब्यं नार्थव्युत्पत्तिरीदृशी। शब्दाभिधेयालंकारभेदादिष्टं वयं तु नः ||
काव्यम. VI. Raghavabhatta in his Arthadyotanika on the Abhijndnasákuntala calls Bhâmaha's work भाकर-अत एव सर्वालंकाराणामतिशयोक्तिगर्भवमाकरे दर्शितम्-"नालंकारोऽनया विना" इति ।
The mention of authors like Râmnaśarman and Sakhåvardhana and works like Achyutottara, Ratndharana, Rájamitra, and Asmakavansa, and the fact that nothing is known about these authors and works and that they are not found quoted anywhere else lend a strong colour to the presumption that Bhåmabs belongs to vory ancient times and this justifies the mention of Bhamaha at the top of old aluriilcarikas in expressions like पूर्वेभ्यो भामहादिभ्यः , भामहोइटप्रभृतयाश्चरंतनालं: कारकाराः, the great reverence in which he was held by authors like Mammata and Abhinavagupta, and the application of the epithet a to his work.
(c) Dandin's numerous divisions of Upamd, Rupaka, Alsshepa, and Vyatireka and his detailed treatment of Sabdalarikdras in a separate chapter strengthen the presumption of the priority of Bhimaba to Dandin and of Daydin's belonging to a later age than Bhâmaha ; since the latter's divisions of Alankaras are not go minute and since he does not attach mach importance to Saddlaikaras.
(d) A close comparison of several portions of the works of Bhâmaha and Dandin almost afiords a convincing evidence in favour of the priority of Bhimaha to Daņdin. The following may be mentioned as instances :(1) Verses abont कथा and भाण्यायिका
प्रकृतानाकुलश्रव्यशब्दार्थपदवृत्तिना। गयेन युक्तोदात्तार्या सोच्छ्रासाख्यायिका मता ॥ वृत्तमाख्यायते तस्यां नायकेन स्वचेष्टितम् । व चापरवकंच काले भाष्यर्थशास च ॥ कवेरभिप्रायकृतः कथनः कैश्चिवकिता। कन्याहरणसंग्रामविप्रलम्भीदवान्विता ।। न वकापरवकाभ्यां युक्ता नीच्छासवत्वपि । संस्कृतं संस्कृता चेष्टा कथापभ्रंशभाक्तथा ॥