(AUGUST, 1913.
1902 (639). From the east wall of the mandapa in front of the central shrine in the Vibiráraņēśavara temple at Tirumiyachchûr (Tanjore District). Gift of land,
Date.-21st year of Maravarman Kulasekhara; Mithuna ; sukla 12; Monday ; * Svati."
Later, the same inscription refers to Jatavarman Brivallabhadeva's 25th year, Vrischik ba. 15 (aparapakshattu paunniyai, an extraordinary expression, since paurņami must of course fall in purva paksha]; Wed.; Rôbiņi. The date first quoted in the inscription may be referred, as is dope below, to the reign of Mûravarman Kulasekhara II, i. e., to A.D. 1334.
The second date may be identified with Wednesday, 12 Nov. 1315, when Röhiņi ended at .66 of day, and ba. 1 (aparapakshattu prathamal) at .95 of day. Either the inscription wrongly quotes paunniyai for prathamai which, considering the unusually erroneous expression commented on above, is the more probable alternative or the paurnami which in meantime ended at .97 of the day on Tuesday, was brought up to sunrise on Wednesday owing either to local time of to a peculiarity of local calculation. I think, however, ba. I was meant.
# MAravarman Tribh, Sundara Pandya.
(Reign began 19 Feb. and 6 Mar. A. D. 1294.) 1911 (842). From the west wall of the central shrine in the Munkudumisvara temple at Kalattur (Chingleput District). Gift of land for offerings to the same temple by Kakkun@yakan one of the Kaikkôlars of the temple. Mentions Gangaikondasola-chaturvêdimangalam.
Date.-14th year of Maravarman Sundara Pandya, Mêsba, su. 13; Sunday ; * Chitra" Sunday, 16 April, A.D. 1307, when Mêsha, eu, 18 ended at .66 of day, while" Chitra" ended at 39 next day, having been current for the greater part of Sunday.
1911 (348). From the north wall of the central shrine in the Munkudumisvara temple at Kalattar (Chinglepat District). Gift of land for offerings by Aļudaiyanâ yakan, another Kaik. kola of Mugkudumisvara temple at Kalattur (Ohingleput District).
Date.-14th year of Mâraverman Sandara Pandya ; Mina ; 8. 1: Monday; " Rêvati."
On Monday, 6 March A.D. 1307, Mina su. 2 and "Révatt" onded at 82 and 47 of the day respectively ["su. 1" error for "su. 2"].
1911 (344). From the north wall of the central shrine in the Munkudumisvara Temple at Kalattur (Chinglepat District). Gift of land [for offerings] by Mallandai, a third Kaikkola of the same temple. The donors in Nos. 342 and 343 were his brothers.
Date.-14th year of Maravarman Sandara Påndya; Kumbba ; sakla..........., Monday ;. Uttara-Ashâdba.
On Monday, 19 Feb. A.D. 1308, Kumbha ba. 12, and "Uttara-Ashâąha" ended at .89 and •27 of the day respectively [Sukla error for bahula).
* Jatavarman Vira Pandya,
(Reign began between 23 Jane and 24 July 1296). 1900 (78). From the north wall of the first prakdra of the Vedapariswara temple at Tiruvottår (North Arcot District). Gift of 64 Cows and 2 Bulle..
Dato.-5th year of Jaţ. V. Pandya ; Mithana ; " Hasta." On Friday 7 July A.D. 1801, Bu. 1 and Nak. "Pushya" (not "Hasta ") ended at •56 and 23 of the day.
† 1908 (401). From the north wall of the first prakdra in the Vilinâthasvâmin temple at Tira vilimilali (Tanjore District). Gift of land by a native of Periyavguļi in Tiranaraiyurna du a sub-division of Kulottungasôla vaļanadu.
Date.-6th year of Jat. V. Pagdya (no epithet); Kanni; eu. 6; Friday ; “Múla." On Friday 28th Sep. A. D. 1802 which was, however, at the beginning of the 7th and near the end of the 6th year of Vira Pandya who soffered the Muhammadan invasion, Kanni su. 6 (it was the last day of Kanni) and Můla ended at 10 and 25 of the day respectively. .
1 Since this article was sent to Press, Prof. Hermann Jacobi of Bonn University has onloulated four of these dates (i.e. those markedt ) relating to the reign of Jat. Vira Pandya and published them in Ep. Ind. Vol. XI. pp. 137-139. The present results are, however, offered to the publio in the form in which they originally stood first because several old dates not furnished to Prof. Jacobi, are here referred to the present reign and secondly because the findings here presented, especially that relating to the probable oommengement of the reign, are not invari. ably those arrived at by Prof. Jacobi.