[AUGUST, 1913.
the date intended is Monday, 4th April, A.D. 1278, when Mesha su. 11 and "Parva Phálguni" commenced ; they ended next day at. 33 and ..70 respectively. This would be the 3rd regral year of Jat. Sund. Påndya whose reign began in 1276.
1909 (303). From the south wall of the outer prdkára of the Kachchhapéávara temple at Tirukkachchûr (Chingleput District). Gift of one buffalo for a lamp.
Date.-7th year of Jaf. Sundara Påņdya : Mina; sa. 10; Sunday; "Hasta" [Mina error for Rishabha). On Sunday 24th May 1976, Rishabha su. 10 and "Hasta" ended at .49 and 16 respectively. [Regnal year, 7th, should be 6th].
1908 (411). From the west wall of the first prakdra in the Viļinâthasvâmin temple at Tiruvilimilalai, Tanjore District; Damaged. Seems to record a gift of land for the benefit of the mathas and minor shrines in the temple at Tiravilimilalai ; mentions a certain Närpattennâyira Pillai among the Saiva devotees.
Date.-8th year of Jatavarman Sundara Pandya; Dhanus; su. 8; Friday; "Rêvati." On Friday, 23 Decr. 1278, Dhanus, su. 8; and “Rêvati" ended at. 26 and .03 respectively.
1909 (667). From the north wall of the manda pa in front of the central shrine in the temple of Nedungalanathasvamin, at Tirunedungalam, Triebinopoly District. Gift of land to the temple of Tirunedungala Udaiya Nayanar in Vadagavi-nadu which was a sub-division of Pandyakulapati-valanâdu.
Date.-8th year of Jaţ. Sundara Pandya; Makara; su. 10; Wednesday ; "Rohini." On Wednesday 5 Jan. 1278, Makara su. 10 ended at :36 and "Rohiņi" commenced, ending next day at 41.
1909 (819). From the north wall of the Vighnêsvara shrine near the tank, in the Tirukkachchûr village (Chinglepat District). Gift of land in Brahmakn[ la ]ttür alias Vêttaikarankuļattûr in Urrukkattukottam, to the temple of Narpattepņâyira-vinpagar Emberu mân at Tirrukkachchúr.
Date.-8th year of Jaţ. Sundara Pandya ; Rishabha; su. 3; Thursday: “Pashya." On Thursday 26 May 1278, Rishabha su. 3 ended at 37 of day and "Pushya" commenced, ending at 27 of Friday.
1909 (305). From the south wall of the onter pråkdra of the Kachchhapêkvara temple at Tirukkachchûr (Chingleput District). Records the gift by a temple dancing-girl, of a lamp and a brass image carrying it.
Date.-8th year of Jat. Sund. Pândys; Mithuns ; bahula . . . ... Monday, "Utt.. Bhad.” On Monday 13 June 1278, Mithuna ba, 7; and "Utt. Bhad." ended at 30 and 79 respectively.
1902 (584). From the west wall of the Saundarya-nayaki shrine in the Kaliśvara temple at Kalaiyarkovil (Madara District). Gift of land.
Date.-10th year of Jaţ. Sund. Pâņdya; Dhanus, su, 2; Sunday; "Pushya" (Dhanus must be Makara, and fukla must be bahula]. On Sunday 28 Dec. 1281, Makara ba. 2 and "Pushya" came to end respectively at • 76 and .00 of the day.
Note.-Relying on this date, I have fixed the earlier limit of the commencement of this reign as 29 Dec. 1270. The particular combination of tithi and nakshatra on a Sunday did not occur in the 10th year of reign of any of the other Sundara Pândyas and it may therefore be safely assumed that the date belongs to the present reign. If so it would belong to the 11th year, not to the 10th.
1909 (315). From the north wall of the outer prdkára of the Kachchhapêśvara temple at Tirak kachchûr (Chingleput District). Refers to the confiscation of the property of some rebellious and misbehaved people at Uttippakkam and registers a gift to the temple of Tirukkachcbûr.
Dato.-13th year of Jat. Sund. Påndya. Kumbha, su, 5; Wednesday; "Asvini." On Thursday 4 Feb. 1283, Kumbha su. 5 and "Asvini" came to end at 20 and 39 respectively. They were both current for the greater part of Wednesday, 3rd February.
1909 (418). From the east wall of the prdkára in the Voighrapadesvara temple at Siddhalingamadam (8. Arcot). Records that the Siva-Brâhmaņas of the temple agreed to provide for offeringe in the shrine of Aludaiya Pillaiyar, from the interest on 2000 Kašu presented to the temple by Arindavan-Pallavaraiyan in the time of Koppernñjingadêya and now placed in their hands.