[JANUARY, 1913.
182) After slaying Râvaņa, Rama thanks the monkeys and bears, and says it is only through their help that he has succeeded in defeating his enemy: the renown they have acquired in the enterprise will last for ever in the world : B, VI, 92, 74-76 (C wanting):
1 R. C.M., VI, 106, 9-10 : uvAcbe'dam tadi sarvin Raghavo madhuram vachaḥ || 74 11 kiye sukhi kshi bâni sudha-sama bhavatâm bâhuviryeņa vikrameņa balena cha hato rAksha- bala tumhare ripu hayo pâyo sarâjo' yam Ravano lokarávanah 11 75 || atyadbhutam idam Bibhishana râju tibuṁ pura jasa karma bhavatâm kirttivardhanam kathayishyanti purushi tumbaro nita nayo Il yavad bhûmir dharishyati !| 76 .
(83) The description of Sita's retorn from Lanka and of the eagerness of the monkeys and bears to see the beauty, that had been the cause of so great & war, is completely identical in the R. and in the R. C.M. (B, VI, 99; C, VI, 114; R. C. m., VI, 108). Tulasi Dasa's close dependence on Valmiki in this part of the poem is manifest not only from the faithful reproduction of every particular in the narrative, but also occasionally from the reproduction of the very words or epithets that have been used by Valmiki in the corresponding passages. I pick out the most striking coincidences between Valmiki and Tulasi Dâss in this part of the poem.
Vibhashana orders rakshasi ladies to attend Sita to the bath and to adorn her with rich ornaments. Then makes her mount a beautiful palanquin; B, VI, 99, 12 and ff. (C, VI, 114, 16 and ff.):
R. C, M., VI, 108, 7-84: tatah Sitâm çira henktam yuvatibhir alamkritâm maharha- bahu prakara bhushana pahiraye bharaṇopetâm mahårhâmbaradbâriņim 11 12 | Aropya sibika ruchira sâji pani lâye 1 ta çivikam divyam ...
para barashi chadhi Baidehi ... In the R.C. M. Sita proceeds, escorted by guards armed with canes :
beta-pâni rachchbaka, (R. C.M., VI, 108, 9) who are none else but the guards :
vetrajharjharapaņayaḥ (B, VI, 99, 93 ; C, VI, 114, 21°) of the parallel place in the R.
The monkeys and bears flock to see Sitâ, but the above-mentioned guards push them back (B, VI, 99, 14-16 and 22-25; R. C. M., VI, 108, 10). Râma disapproves of such treatment towards his dear helpmates and orders Vibbisbaņa to bring Sitä on foot, so that the monkeys may look at her, as at their mother: B, VI, 99, 32 and ff. (C wanting):
R. C. M., VI, 108, 11-12a pacyanta mataram tasmad ime kautúbalânvitah 11 32 11 kaha Raghabira kaha mama ...ll vissijya çivikam tasmat padbhyam eva samânaya I minahusttahim sakha payade samipam mama Vaidehim payanty enam vanaukasaḥ anahu | dekhahim kapi janani ki 11 36 11
(84) When Siti asks Lakshmaņa to prepare the pyre for her, Lakhsmaņa hesitates and looks at Râma; #en, interpreting Rama's wish from the expression of his face, complies : B, VI, 101, 22-24 (O, VI, 116, 20 and fr ) ;
R. C. M., VI, 109, 3 and f. evam uktas ta Maithilya Lakshmanah paraviraha | vimar- suni Lachhimana Sitä kai bânil.. shavaçam á panno Ramânanam udaikshata il 22 Il sa vij- lochana sajala jori kara doủl prabha ñâya matap tat tu Ramasya'kârasứchitam chitâm chakâra sana kachu kabi sakata na où il Saumitrir mate Råmasya viryavân || 28 || na hi Râmam dekhi Râma - rukha Lachbimana tada kaçchit krodhazokavaçam gatam ananetum atho dhâye pâvaka pragati katha bahu vaktum drashtu vâ'py atha çaknuvan li 24 ll.
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