[JULY, 1913.
BY PANDIT CHANDRADHAR GULERI, B. A.; AJMER. In Mahamahopadhyâya Pandita Durga Prasadaji's edition, Vâtsyâyana's Kamasutra is accompanied by a commentary named Jayamangala, therein ascribed to one Yahodhara. At the end of every adhydya, the colophon is as under
इति श्रीवात्स्यायनीवकामसूत्रटीकावा जवमजलाभिधानायां । विदग्धाजनाविरहकातरेण गुरुदत्तेन्द्रपादाभिधानेन यशोधरेणकत्रकृतसूत्रभाध्यायां । - - -
- - - Tara: 11 To me it appears clear from the above that the commentary, named Jayamangald, was not the work of Yasodhara, who occupied himself, during his separation from a cultured lady, in writing out the bhashya, immediately after its corresponding text. The oommentary existed before him, but was separate from the text of the Satras. Yabodhara whiled away the days of his separation by putting the text and the commentary together. For this labour he has been amply rewarded, by being called the author of the old commentary for hundreds of years!
To the second edition of Kamasutra, Pandit Durgaprasádaji's son has added an appendix containing the commentary on the last book which in the former edition was without it. This part of the commentary is printed from a Vizianagaram manuscript, and its colophon is
इति सप्तमेऽधिकरणे द्वितीयोऽध्यायः । भादितः षद्विशः। समाप्वं च कामसूचटीकायां जयमङ्गलाख्यायामोपनिषदिकं नाम सप्तममधिकरणम् ॥
Here we come across at least one manuscript of the commentary not tampered with by this worthy. From a close examination of the commentary one finds another interesting thing. Thia long colophon, giving the autobiographical details of the redactor, is found at the end of every arthy dya, but at the end of overy prakarana, there is another pithy colophon incorporated in the text. The text is doubly divided into prakaranas and adhikaranas as well as into adhyayas. The text marks the end of adhydyas and adhikaranas by a colophon which the redactor follows, wbile the original commentator seems to have marked the ends of prakaranas only. He did not think much of the division of the text into adhydyas also, when it was already divided into prakaranas and adhikaranas, for he says
तबाभ्यावसंख्यानं पूर्वशासभ्य इदं स्तोकमिति दर्शनार्यम् । प्रकरपाधिकरणसंक्वानमन्वनिरपेक्षार्यम् । (p.9)
In Pandits Dargâprasádaji's edition, these pithy colophons are not given for the first four adhydyas, which are the same as the first four prakaraņas. At the end of the fifth adhydya, which is also the end of the fifth prakarana and first adhskaraņa, the colophon, receitfarad: Te TORT T unat: occurs in one M8. consulted and not in others; but after that these prakarana endings regularly occur. From this I suppose that they were removed when prakarana and an adhydyc ended in the same place, to make room for the bigger and newer colophon but when the prakarana endings did not coincide with the adhydya endings they were allowed to stand.
I find further evidence of the fact that Yabodhara was not the author of Jayamangald from commentary of Kamandaki's Nftisdra, pablished in Trivandrum Sanskrit Series No. XIV. This is also named Jayamangald, but its author is Sankarirya. The following is the first verse of the Jayamangald on Vâtsyâyana
पात्स्यायनीवं किल कामसूत्रं प्रस्तावितं कैधिविहान्ययैव ।
तस्माविधास्वे जयमङ्गलाश्यां टीकामहं सर्वविदं प्रणम्य ॥ Compare this with the second verse of Sankarârya's Jayamangala on Kamandaki
कामन्दकीये किल नीतिशास्त्रे प्रायेण नास्मिन् सुगमाः पदार्थाः । तस्मादिधास्ये जयमङ्गलास्यां तत्पत्रिका सर्वविरं प्रणम्ब ।।