JUNE, 1913.)
Shamsu wal Kamar ft Rabi'-al-awwal, 1318 [ 4. D. 1893 ). (2) Langkat (Ligeh) khalik min zalik menjadi děripada ini negeri.
The pitis of both districts were however of equal value, which perhaps made things easier. The scale of currency was as follows: 10 pitis
make 1 kčndori 40 pitis or 4 kënděri 1 1 kupang
.: 320 pitis or 8 kupang , 1 dollar 14. Patani-Ligeh. The small currency at Tomoh consisted, I was told, of gold dust, and this is quite intelligible, as gold washing is the staple industry of the place. I asked the Chinese head man to give me 5 dollars worth of this small change in gold; but his Chinese instincts were too strong for him, and I could afterwards only get 3 dollars for what he was pleased to call 5 dollars' worth of change. 27
15. Patani- Ligeh. Gold-dust is said to be used as soall change both at Mombang and at Rekoh, though the people at the ponghulu's house declared they had none of it.
16. Patani: descriptions of Patani cash. (a) Teluban. Inscription in Arabic28 ;-atazi tazani f billah bisawaf. tubin (i.e., Teluban)
Sanat 1308 (A, D, 1891). (6) Jamba (Jering): Inscription in Arabic : al kadir biladi saharni hazar il wanna.
Yambu (i. e., Jambu ), 1319 (A. D. 1895). (c) Patani. (i) Inscription in Arabic : almanshiri wan f biladil. Fatani (i..., Patani), sanat
1309. (A. D. 1892). (ii) Inscription in Malay ini pitis bělanja didalam nēgēri Patani : this cash is
coin within the country of Patani. It is said that in Jala no pitis are coined. (d) A Singora coin. Has a Malay inscription on one side and Chinese on the other.
17. Kelantan. Old and present Kelantan pilis (cash) are said to go 480 to the dollar. They bear inscriptions : (1) chaping (képing) li amir saj'a mulkahu daulat Kelantan, 1305 (A. D. 1888 ):-(2) Thuribah fi Jamad-al-awwal.
18. Kelantan and Patani. Cash-trees were obtained in both States, 19. Putani-Ligeh ; description of cash.
(a) Inscription in Arabic :-sultan-al-adhim daulat Ligeh Khalif. (6) Inscription in Malay :-2 hari bulan Rabi' al-awwal, 2nd day of the month of Rabi'
al-awwal : sanat 1307 (A.D. 1890) : asha ama wal rahman. 20. Coins obtained on the East Coast. (a) Three small cash with hole in centre, and same legend on both sides ; no mint
mentioned, but probably Kelantan. Inscription : Khalif [atu'l-mu] minin. (6) one Patani cash. (c) one Kelantan cash. (d) twenty-three large Trengganu cash, with legend : sapuloh kepeng 10, ten cash-piece
10 kepeng, on one side : dharab f Targanu (Trengganu) on the other. (e) two joko, gambling counters passing current in Trengganu with Malay legend on
one side : ini Ban Sing-punya, this is Ban Sing's ; and in Chinese on the other.
* That is he made 2 points in 5, or 40 per cent,, by manipulating the currenay. See ante, p. 17, for the West Coast mint method, and p. 26 for the Dutch E, I. Company's method in similar oironmatanoon. It was his idem of legitimate trede profit.
2° All Arabic readings oan only be approximate on such coins,