rising sun, but does not explain it, i.e., does not tell the reason of Rama's being compared to the sun : B, III, 30, 18 (C, III, 24, 17):
R. C.M., III, 20, 19: sa tena 'gninkagenn kavachenn vibhúshitah raraja Ramas ..... bala-rabibim gherata timirain vidhủya 'rka ivo 'dital || 18 11
danuja The rakshasas become quite paralized with amazement at the sight of Rama's majesty : B, III, SO, 39 (C wanting):
R. C.M., III, 21, 1: drishtva tu Raghavam sarve rakshasa yuddhadurmadábil prabhu biloki sara sakabi na sthitâh parvatasam kaçâh paramam vismayam gatáh 1138 11 dari thakita bhai rajanichara
| dhari The 14,000 raksh18as rain upon Râma weapons of every description : B, III, 31, 6 (C, III, 25, 7):
R. C. M., IIT, 21, 19-20 : tatas tam bhimakarmi nam kruddhah sarse niçacharih bêvadbûna hoi dhiye jâni sabala sastrair nânâ vidhákârair abhyavarshan sudarjayam 116 11. Arâti lage barashana Râma para
astra sastra babu bhâmti II. (46) Tulasi Dâsn goes on saying that the rakshasas stricken by Rama's shafts fell to the ground like mountains. However natural may be the comparison of the monstrous bodies of the rakeshusis t) mountains, and "however common it is both in the R. and in the R. C. M., yet it seems to me that in the present passage of the R. C. M, such a comparison looks rather unjustified, and is not clear except by a reference to the corresponding passage in the R., from which it is certainly derived : B, III, 31, 25-23 (C wanting):
R.C.M., III, 22, 10: kecbid ba napravegais tu nirbhinnakavaoha rane uchchnir chikkarata lagata bâna dhara parata gaganam âviçya tato' gachchhan rasa talam || 25 || mahädri- kudhara-samâna II .. çikhara kârîn añjanâchalasa nibhân khecbaran pâtayamasa rakshasin dharanitale 11 26 11.
(47) Before describing the fight with the rakshasas, Valmiki gays that the gods were in fear for Rama on seeing him facing 14,000 foes alone. Tulast Dâsa maintains that particolar, but puts it quite out of place, as he mentions it at a time when Rama has already Dearly completed the destruction of the rakshasas : B, III, 30, 20-21 (C, III 24, 23-24):
R. C. M., II, 22, 27 : tato devarsbigandbarvah siddhâc cha saba chårañaih | Uchuh sura darata caudahs sabasa preta paramasamtrastê guhyaka cha parasparam || 20 || cbaturdaça biloki eks Avadha-dhani]. Bahasrani rakshasâm bbimakarmaṇam ekaç cha Ramo dharın atma katham yuddham bhavishyati || 21 |1 .
(48) According to Valmiki, Rama harled upon the raleshasas the gândharvdatra, which had the effect of dementing them in such a way that everyone saw the image of Råma in each of his comrades, and so they all perished killing each other. Tulasi Dasa closely follows Válmiki's narrative : B, III, 31, 469-47 (C wanting):
R. C.M., III, 22, 28-30 : tatas to rakshasas tatra gândbarvâstreņa mohitah II 46 11 ... maya-nâtha ati-kautuka karyayam Ramas tv ayam Rama iti kâlena choditaḥ | anyonyaman dek hahin para sapara Rama kari SAMATO jaghnar utpatya paramayadhaib || 47 11
saip grima ripu-dala lari maryau 11 Rama Rama kahi tanu tajahiń
pavahim pada nirbans In the above passage from the R. C. M. it is said that the rakshasas die crying: Rama ! Rama! Now if one looks at the Hindl text only, one will not be able to find out the exact reason