(APRIL, 1913
24 cash make 1 ganza,
30 cash make 1 ganza. 100 gadza
1 byza. 100 ganza
i byza. 2 byza 1 ducat (dollar). 2 byza .
1 ducat. 4800 cash to the dollar.
6000 cash to the doilar. Again, William Barrett, Consnl at Aleppo, writing in 1584, the last year of his life, on money and measures in the East, says (Hakluys, Maclehose ed., VI. 21 f.) of Malacca :-" For the marchandise bought and sold in the citie they reckon at so much the barre, which barre is of divers sorts, great and small, according to the ancient custome of the said citie and diversitie of the goods ... The measures of Malacca are as the measures of Goa ... For the money of Malacca, the least money current is of tinne stamped with the armes of Portugall and 12 of these make a Chazza. The Chazza is also of tinne with the said armes, and 2 of these make a challaine. The Challaine is of tinne with the said armes and 400 of these make a tanga of Goa good money, but not stamped in Malacca. There is also a sort of silver money, which they call Patachines [rixdollar or dollar of account], and is worth 6 tangas of good money, which is 360 reyes. There is also a kind of money called crusado stamped with the armes of Portogall and is worth 6 tangas good money ... The rials of 8 they call Pardaos de Reales [dollar) and are worth 7 tangas of good money (420 reyes)."
Read cbazza = caixa=cash; challaine=calaim=calin= kalang (tin coin)=kiping; and this statement supplies the following table :
12 small cash make 1 cash 2 cash
1 keping 40 keping
1 tanga 7 tanga
1 dollar
6720 cash to the dollar (for 6400). On the information above detailed, the following table of cash to the dollar can be made out:
West Coast Currenoy System. Old Datch 62) pese by 16 kčnderilo = 1000 cash to the dollar. Kedah 40 tra by 32
= 1280 Setul 40 pitis by 32
= 1280 Denys' Diot. tra by 32
= 1280
Perak. Telok Anson 62; duit by 16 pěnjarulo = 1000
ayam Lower Perak 100 Kinta Valley 50 , by 16
= 800 Maxwell, Man. 86
by 28 Fang = 1008 Tavoy and Mergui 12 pitis by 88 képingle = 105611 Old Singora 100
by 32 kěnduri = 8200 The origin of the system of 1000 cash or thereabouts to the dollar can be traced even more satisfactorily than that of 400 cash to the dollar. Denys, Descriptive Dict. of British
* This statement is interesting ag making Albuquerque's criado = 6/7 dollar, and the Goa pardao in the 16th century to equal a dollar. Taking the Goa tanga (nominally a tanka, i. ., rape or fickal) as the real opper anit of Goa money, then the remarkable likeness of Barrett's statement in 1584 to Wilson's (ante, p. 106) in 1896 comes out.
• Shown here for comparison. 1. This scale is really that of 8 tali to the dollar, with kinddriponjuru, and rookoned 2 or 4 to the tali. 1 For 1200.
by 16
= 1600