[MARCH, 1911.
On the accession of Shāhjahān, 8th Jamādā II, 1037 H. (Feb. 14th, 1628), Aurangzēb, now nine years of age, was sent with his brothers from Lābor to Agrah to join his father from whom he received the usual presents, 1st Rajab 1087 H. (March 8th 1628). One of the incidents of Aurangzēb's youth, showing his courage, was defending himself with spear and sword against a raging elephant which pursued him and knocked him off his horse. He was then between fifteen and sixteen years of age, 29th Zū,l Qa'dah 1042 H. (June 7th, 1633). His first public employment was in the supreme command over the three armies operating against Jujhār Singh, Bundelah rajah of Orchbah. The appointment was made on the 15th Rabi II, 1045 H. (Sept. 28th, 1635), when he was barely seventeen ; his daily allowance having been already changed into official rank (mansab) on the 3rd Rajab 1044 H. (Dec. 23rd, 1634), when he was made 10,000 personal, 4,000 horse, with the grant of a flag, the right to beat kettle-drums, the use of a yak-tail standard and permission to erect scarlet tents of the imperial colour.
When this Bundelkhand campaign had been carried out by the subordinate commanders, Aurangzēb rejoined the emperor and marched with him to the Dakhin. During his stay in that country, the emperor enforced on the kings of Bijäpar and Gulkandah the cession of some territory and the payment of tribute. When written treaties bad been entered into (1636), Shāhjahăn prepared to return to Northern India, making over the government of the Dakhin and its four provinces to Aurangzēb on the 3rd Zül Hijjah 1045 H. (May 10th, 1636); and after the receipt of the usual presents, the prince left his father's court on the 20th Şafar 1046 H. (July 25th, 1636) and proceeded to his headquarters at Daulatābād. Khan Jahan Bärbah, an experienced officer was left as the new governor's right-hand-man and second-in-command until the arrival of Khăn Zaman, who was charged permanently with that duty. In the following year Shābjahān arranged
marriage between Aurangzēb and a daughter of Shabnawaz Khān Şafawi, a refugee scion of the Persian royal house. The bridegroom was summoned to court for the wedding, where he arrived on the 1st Zul Hijjah 1046 H. (April 27th, 1637), bringing with him a captured pretender to the throne of Ahmadnagar. As Khan Zaman had recently died, Sbā istab Khān, Aurangzēb's maternal uncle was ordered to the Dakbin to act as the prince's deputy. On the 29th Zul Hijjah 1046 H. (May 25th, 1637), after the marriage of the prince and of his eldest brother, Därä Shakoh, on the same day, the 23rd Zul Hijjah 1046 H. (May 19th, 1637), was sent off to the Dakhin again; and at his own request was entrusted with the conquest of the Baglānah country lying between Malwah, Gujarat and Khandesh. The local rajah, having been invested in his chief fortress of Mülher, offered terms on the 10th Shawwal 1047 H. (Feb. 25th, 1638), and after their acceptance by the emperor, the fort was evacuated on the 1st Şafar 1048 H. (June 14th, 1638). The reduction of the rest of the country being completed by the 4th Rabi 'I, 1048 H. (July 16th, 1638). Aurangzēb also distinguished himself by the destruction of a Mabrattah, one Khelū ji, who had thrown off the Bijāpar yoke and had returned as marauder to his native country near Daulatābād. Shortly afterwards, on the 9th Ramazan 1049 H. (Jan. 3rd, 1640), the prince reported the birth at Mathura between Agra and Dihli, on the 4th of the month (Dec. 29th, 1689) of bis eldest son, Muhammad Saltān. The reason for Aurangzeb's appearance again in Northern India is not recorded, but he must then have been on his way back to his father s court, Where he arrived on the 15th Ramazan 1049 8. (Jan. 9th, 1640). On the 8th Zü,l Qa'dah 1049 H. (March 2nd, 1640), when Shāhjahān's camp was at the Ohinab river during his march from Lāhor to Kashmir, the prince received the asaal presents and was sent back to his seat of government, Daulatābād. On the 21st Safar 1050 H. (June 13th, 1640) his report of the submission of Bābă și, chief of Gondwanah, was received at court. The prince was once more at court in 1051 H. (April 1641–March 1642), on a visit to his father; and again, two years afterwards, in 1054 H. (March 1644-Feb. 1645), he returned there to see his sister, Begam