FEBRUARY, 1911.)
18. Then the Rdj& thought in his mind that It would be well to escape with honor. He took his armies on tho northern rond. Ho gave up his kingdom and went to the Bagam.
In the end all the chiefs lost their heads. They saw that all the people were faithless to the house of the King of Oudh. " When will the English bo unfaithful? And so all the chiefs presented themselves through fear,
14. The first arrangement of the English), was the rough survey of the country). They made twelve Districts and four Commissionerships. In the Kingdom of Oudh there is one Judicial Commissionership, For the purpose of appeal this is the last Court.
15. After that they fixed the boundaries, village by village. They stopped all the quarrels over uncertain boundaries. They began to measure (the land) with iron chains. They divided the cultivable from the unoultivable land.
16. When all the papers (for the land) were in order, Then they managed for the yearly settlement of revenue). They seat summons to every name. And advertised for every claim.
They fixed period of twelve yearg And instead of the year 68 they wrote 517. Decrees were granted for possession within the period, If possession was not proved, applications were rejected.
18. In overy District four departments were set up :Revonue, Judicial, Oriminal and Settlement of Revenue). Then they arranged for the army. This is the story as it has been committed to writing.
The discovery, announced in 1909, is confirmed
in 1910 by the verification of the details of the MR. NARASIMKAOWAR announces the discovery
date. in a Jaina work entitled Lókavibhaga of the Saka date 380 corresponding with the 22nd regnal
A definite basis for ultimate settlement of the year of king Sithavarma Pallava of Kanoht.
Pallava chronology is also secured. This date, equivalent approximately to A.D. 468,
Full information on the subject will be found
in the Annual Report of the Archaologioal Survey, is considerably earlier than the oldest Sake
Mysore, for the year ending 30th Juno, 1900, date bitherto recorded, vis., 127-A.D. 505 in
para 112, and ibid. for 1910, par. 116, dated Vardhamihira's Pancha siddhantika, 48 as
Angust let, 1910. pointed out by Dr. Fleet (J.R.A.S., 1910, p. 819).
V. A. SMER. . This is prose interposition. • I. e., they fixed possession for twelve years as giving an absolute title to the land.
1..., possonon admitted in 1847 were granted pourensdom from 1885.