Karasni or khasåsni : the recitation of mantras morning and evening by a pujari before a deota. Simla Hills.
Karat : the cultivator's share, as opposed to sat, the Raja's share. Kangra S. R. (Lyal).
p. 31.
Karbi: bájra straw. Sirsa S. R., 1883, p. 158. Karda : a fee payable to a landlord. Cf. panchetra.
Karda : a commission charged for a loan and added on to the amount actually advanced. Jullundur S. R., p. 72.
Karhan : a peasant. Bauria argot. Karlsthi: a variety of soil. Gajranwalla S. R., p. 25. Karonk : village watchman or messenger. Kangra Gloss. Karoti : the third day's service (jowdri 2. v.), taken at morning time.
Kart : in Kulla: kort. The wild goat commonly called in books the ther. The female is called meh or mehi. Kangra Gloss.
Karda: a vessel made of pottery, smaller than a baroli (q. v.) with spouts, used to carry milk to the fields. Karnal S. R., 1880, p. 121.
Karambli : (..) lobe of the ear. Kas : # square stack of rice in bundles. Kangra Glogs. Kashara : a wooden cap. Sirmúr trans-Giri. Kashi: a large hoe. Simla S. R., 1883, p. 45. Kasi: a handful of corn or anything else. Kangra Gloss. Kaslana: to store up grain in straw. Kângra Gloss. Kasoli: a tiny one-handed spade used as a hoe. Karnal S.R., 1880, p. 163,
Kasora : a platter, made of pottery, used once at feasts and thrown away. Cf. kasori, sarai, and sardnu. Karnâl S. R., 1880, p. 121.
Kasori : a platter made of pottery, used once at feasts and thrown away. Cf. kasora, sarai, and sarinu. Karnal S. R., 1880, p. 121.
Kasst : & spale. Karnal S. R., 1880, p. 162.
Kasumbia : 1 small mango fruit having its outer colour like safflower (kasumb). Hosbiarpur S. R., p. 15.
Kasun : who! Bauria argot. Es who is there?' kasin e ?
Katak : a raid made by a large expedition of two or three hundred men, some of them mounted on ponies. Sirsa S. R., 1883, p. 31,
Katara : a tall thistle-like plant with a yellow flower. Cf. kateli and satyanás. Sirsa S. R., 1883, p. 16.
Kateli: tall thistle-like plant with a yellow flower. Ci, katúra and setyan 1s. Sirsa S. R., 1883, p. 16.
Katera : a Ját. Harni argot. Ludhiana S. R., 1878-83, p. 150. Kathan = Kathan. P. D., p. 568. Katherti : a peach tree. Simla S. R., 1883, p. 42.
Kathewat : Indigofera heterantha ; a small shrab; leaves used as fodder for sheep and goats. Simla S. R., 1883, p. 44.
Katkana : the revenue management. Ludhiana S. R., 1888, p. 163. Kathla : a necklace of gold. Cf. tora. Sirsa S. R., 1883, p. 157. Kathra : A wooden plate. Sirmûr cis-Giri,
Katni: a work-basket in which rolls of cotton to be spun are placed. Jallundur S. R., p. 60.